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你们中国人有一句古话‘只知其一,不知其二’。You Chinese saying goes 'only know one, I do not know the other'.

亲爱的美国,有句古话叫“养蛇为患”。Dear America, There is a old saying-"Feeding and grooming the Snake".

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有人认为正如一句古话,自然界充斥着腥牙血爪。One thinks of nature as "red in tooth and claw, " as the old saying goes.

在学习方面,中国有句古话叫活到老学到老。In the study, China has the old saying that you are never too old to learn.

我常听过一句古话“撒谎就是从屋顶往下跳”。I had often heard the old saying " A lie is a jump from the top of a house ."

有一句古话形容电视广告“我知道我一半的钱都浪费了。There’s an old adage in television advertising “I know half my money is wasted.

这个论点类似于一句古话,“我们忙着砍树,没时间磨斧子。”This argument is akin to the old saying, "We are too busy chopping trees to sharpen the ax."

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古话说,熟能生巧,所以付出一些时间和努力来做这项练习吧。Practise makes perfect as the old adage goes so take the time and make the effort to practise.

中国有一句古话“饮水不忘掘井人”。There is an old saying in China, "When you drink from a well, remember the person who dug it."

中国有句古话,“家丑不可外扬”,这似乎成了中国夫妇们的座右铭。"Thou shalt not share family scandals, " according to some ancient wisdom, seems to be their motto.

假如,像中国那句古话所说,妇女能顶半边天,当你撑起自己发现——这半边天正在陨落。If, as the Chinese proverb says, women hold up half the sky, then brace yourself—the sky is falling.

我猜他们遵循的是这样一句古话,即“如果你想要和平,那就做好战争的准备”。I guess they adhere to the saying "Si vis pacem, para bellum" or "If you want peace, prepare for war. "

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这句古话好几十年来一直都是那些为选择食物而着急的消费者的精神负担。The old adage has for decades weighed on the minds of consumers who fret over responsible food choices.

古话说,天增岁月人增寿,新春伊始,祝您身体健康,长命百岁。Saying, longer days increase longevity, who at the beginning of spring, wish you good health and long life.

有句祖祖辈辈传下来的古话,家丑不可外扬,至今仍是不变的真理。Do not wash your dirty linen in publish, this is an old saying passed over generations, and it is still true today.

爱过方知情重,中国的古话很多都是很有道理的。Likes the side knowing the circumstances of the matter seriously, China's old saying many are makes sense very much.

萧百佑牢牢记住了这句古话,他的口号就是“三天一顿打,孩子进北大。”Therefore, his personal motto for raising children is — "give the kids a beating, so they can go to Peking University".

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天津的五大道名气最大,给我印象最深,名不虚传,应了古话。Tianjin's five main roads fame biggest, the impression is deepest forme, lives up to reputation, should the old saying.

如果联系痴情女子负心汉的古话,就会更加发现这一形象的难能可贵。Relating the Chinese old saying of "a woman is infatuated with a faithless man" to the story, we will find his image estimable further.

米切尔与福尔兹的共通之处在于他极高的对于整个文化的栖息和占据能力,或者用一句古话说,灵魂化的能力。What Mitchell has in common with Foulds is his ability to inhabit—to inspirit, to use an old verb—an entire culture, with consummate skill.