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他有了妻室和两个健壮的儿子。He had a wife and two fine sons.

汤姆为有妻室儿女而感到幸福。Tom is happy in his wife and children.

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他虽有妻室,但暗地里还有一个女朋友。He's married but he has a girl-friend on the side.

以后发现他又娶了一房妻室,接着是他被指控犯了重婚罪。It soon developed that the meeting was a great success.

他热爱人类,却从未受过拥有妻室与子女的天伦之乐。He loves human being but he never marries or has any children.

有妻室儿女的人,把自己押给了命运。---培根。He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune.

有妻室子女的人已将自己押给了命运。He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune.

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和贝索一样,他也有妻室,却很少带老婆去哪儿。Like Besso, he is married, but he hardly goes anywhere with his wife.

斋戒的夜间,准你们和妻室交接。Permitted to you, on the night of the fasts, is the approach to your wives.

喜欢刺枪使棒,身强力壮,不取妻室,终日打熬筋骨。Like charges to stick, chicken, and did not take wives, all hit others physique.

金,你是否愿娶此女人为妻室,白头偕老?Gold, you whether is willing to marry this woman is the wife, grows old together?

他另有妻室一事已经暴露,随之他被指控犯有重婚罪。It developed that he had another wife living and his indictment for bigamy followed.

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有妻室儿女的人,行动自由就受到限制,从而成为命运的人质。People with wives and children, freedom is restricted, thus become the fate of the hostages.

她很为他感到难过。他没有妻室,大夫每天都去看他。She felt sorry for him, He had no wife or family, and the doctor visited the house every day.

女王由一群“妻室”侍奉,全部由部落村子送来,村民子女也被视为她的子女。The Rain Queen is served by a series of "wives" sent by the tribe's villages and whose children are considered hers.

至于说这位被指控有罪的人原先可能有妻室,或可能已经有对象了,这并不成为一个问题。It was not a problem that he might already have a wife and family, or that he might have chosen to marry another woman.

对于妻子志麻子而言,风度翩翩又善解人意的老师,自己虽然迷恋,但对方毕竟是有妻室的人。To Asako, charming and considerate as her teacher was, she was fascinated about him indeed. Nevertheless, he had his own family.

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我与我的第一个妻子结婚13年,与第二个妻子10年,因此,在相当长的时期内我一直是有妻室的。I was married for thirteen years to my first wife and ten to my second, therefore, I've been wearing the ball and chain for quite some time.

但是,婚后她总是不快乐,不久就跟他分手了,她拒绝跟他同居,或是用他的姓氏,因为这时有人说他另有妻室。With him, however, she was never happy, and soon parted from him, refusing to cohabit with him or bear his name, it being now said that he bad another wife.

如果你虐待我的女儿,或在我的女儿外,另娶妻室,虽无人在我们中间,但有天主在你我之间作证。If you are cruel to my daughters, or if you take other wives in addition to my daughters, then though no man is there to see, God will be the witness between us.