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我不会不懂装懂的。I don't pretend to understand it.

不要不懂装懂。Don't pretend to know what you don't know.

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我们所有人不懂装懂,并希望自己都是正确的。We’re all faking it, and hoping we’re getting it right.

切记,不懂装懂会带来麻烦的。Remember, pretending to be know-it-all will bring troubles.

真是个不懂装懂的女孩。Really is does not understand pretends to understand the girl.

不懂装懂的人总有一天会受到惩罚。Those who pretend to know what they don't know will be punished.

你不会只想说,这盘录像带不懂装懂的,但你可能还希望提供有用的建议。What do you think of this She pretends to know what she doesn't.

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不懂装懂的意见只会让一个人听上去愚蠢而自大。Unqualified opinions just make a person sound foolishly arrogant.

没有什么比不懂装懂更让人感到耻辱。There is no more shameful act than pretending to know what one does not.

不过在那一天到来之前,我可不会不懂装懂地告诉你其中所谓“内涵”。But until that day arrives, I won't pretend to tell you what it all means.

因为他能认识到自己的无知,不会不懂装懂意气用事。Because he's aware of his ignorance, he doesn't act with foolish confidence.

不要不懂装懂,尽量听出言外之意。Try to hear the meaning behind the words without presuming you already know.

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然而,这么做不会让你成为专家,而是一个不懂装懂的人。However, what this behavior turns one into is not an expert but a know-it-all.

不懂装懂就会闹笑话。If you pretend to know what you don't know, you'll only make a fool of yourself.

他们能够从不同的观点中抽丝剥茧并理清事实,而且不会不懂装懂。They can separate facts from opinions and don’t pretend to have all the answers.

在学习中你绝不能不懂装懂,要主动向同学和老师请教。In the study of you but pretending to know, to actively to students and teachers.

不懂装懂永远是饭桶.He who knows nothing but pretends to know everything,is indeed a good-for-nothing.

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当遇到你不熟的话题或者领域,千万不要打肿脸充胖子,不要为了面子不懂装懂。When you meet some unfamiliar topics of fields, you should not pretend to be an expert.

如果你想回答是键盘的问题,你还是不要说了,像说键盘的都是些不懂装懂的!You can only answer the question once, but you can edit your answer as many times as you want.

我是说偷走这种“不懂装懂直到你感受到它”这种心态,并且数百倍的扩大这种心态。It meant taking the “fake it ’till you feel it” mentality & amplifying it several hundred times.