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馨蔺得意的笑了。Xin Lin proud smile.

驴感到很得意,他高声地嘶叫,却被人认了出来。The ass felt quite proud.

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他脸上显出得意的神气。He had an air of complacency.

得啦,少得意一点吧。Come, be a little less in alt.

他扬扬得意地举起了他的奖品。He held up the prize in triumph.

她听了这些奉承话而得意起来。She was pleased by the flattery.

韩冷烟笑了笑,得意的说。Han Lengyan smiled, proud to say.

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简为她的新车颇感得意。Jane's very proud of her new car.

只见宝贝儿扬起小脸儿冲妈妈得意地笑。The baby looked at me and smiled.

共和党和茶党肯定很得意。Repubs and the TP must be so proud.

这项工程是约翰的得意之作。This project is dear to John's heart.

接下来看看ARX-7的得意武器吧!Now is time for ARX-7 Weapons display.

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罗伯特正得意扬扬地看着我。Robert was looking at me triumphantly.

告诉我你最得意的成就。Tell me about your proudest achievement.

狗咬了兽医,却还露出得意的狞笑。Feels so proud of his dog biting the vet.

她比那窝囊家伙更得意。She has more pride than the wimpless guy.

人有骄贵知足时,狗有得意日。A man has his hour even a dog has his day.

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这三人也是我今天的得意之作。These three people are the photo of today.

这是我的得意之作.This is a piece of work I can be proud of.

“那就是她,”莫利十分自豪得意地说。"There she is, " said Morley really proud.