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这些分队的领导叫做项目盟主。These team sponsors are called project champions.

我要调整你的方位,擎天柱。赶紧派一个分队来。I have a fix on your location, Optimus. Sending a team in now.

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海军第三医学研究分队是非洲大陆仅有的两个达到四级生物安全水平的实验室之一。NAMRU-3 is one of only two BL-4 labs on the African continent.

他们也有夏威夷分队待命,随时准备救援。They also have their Hawaii branch standing by, ready to help.

海军陆战队的一支分队被留下来帮助消毁这些物质。A detachment of Marines was left behind to help in the destruction.

介绍了质量流量计在分队计量中的应用情况。The application of mass flowmeters in team measurement is introduced.

亨德森,是世界卫生组织一分队的领导,用了10年完成了根除令人恐惧的天花任务。A. Henderson, MD, accomplished the daunting task of eradicating smallpox.

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以色列子民应分队扎营,各归本旗。And the children of Israel shall camp every man by his troops and bands and army.

米莉娅的红色分队就在这时赶到了,带着震耳欲聋的大动作加入到战斗中。Miriya's Red team came in just then to add their deafening movement to the score.

该法律下的处罚力度增加了十倍,并且调动了多个警察分队加强执法。Penalties increased ten-fold and cohorts of police were mobilized for enforcement.

另外,有时派出捕俘分队抓捕联军士兵进行审问。In addition, capture teams were sometimes sent out to seize UN soldiers for interrogation.

新鲜的肉和面包可以从屠宰分队和面包烘烤连获得。The perishables , meat and bread, are obtained from the butchering unit and the bakery company.

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降低采购成本,解放军已贫乏训练和维修保障分队。To reduce purchase cost, the PLA had shortchanged on training and maintenance support elements.

瑞克让他们安静,又面对防卫军分队的成员发问。丽莎站起身回答他。Rick silenced them and directed the question to the RDF contingent. Lisa stood up to answer him.

尽管这些分组是随机的,分队是随机的,但文化形成了。But despite the fact that the assortment is random, the division is random, cultures begin to emerge.

昨天,城管上地分队深入轻轨沿线单位和居民中进行摸底调查。Yesterday, the area along the light unit to unit in the population and for diagnostic investigations.

轮滑交警分队的成员全副武装,戴着头盔、护膝和护肘,他们在上岗前接受了一个月的集训。Decked out in helmets, knee and elbow pads, the skating police received a month of intensive training.

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为了诱惑敌人,他派了一支骑兵分队从波尔塔瓦以南佯渡沃斯卡拉河。To divert the enemy he sent a detachment of cavalry to make a feint across the Vorskla south of Poltava.

分队每发一次排枪,伽弗洛什就用舌头鼓起他的腮帮子,表示极大的蔑视。At every discharge by platoons, Gavroche puffed out his cheek with his tongue, a sign of supreme disdain.

分队每发一次排枪,伽弗洛什就用舌头鼓起他的腮帮子,表示极大的蔑视。At every discharge by platoons , Gavroche puffed out his cheek with his tongue, a sign of supreme disdain.