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你可害怕寒风凛冽?Do You Fear the Wind?

它们讨厌寒风。They dislike cold winds.

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寒风呼啸。A cold wind is whistling.

寒风起霜降山顶。Peak wind from the frost.

用温软的空气去换凛冽的寒风?。Hot air for a cold breeze?

这寒风真是刺骨。The wind is bone-chilling.

几杯薄酒的温意,怎能抵御日落后凛冽的寒风?The chilly winds of sunset?

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寒风冷得我浑身刺痛。Cold wind nipped at my body.

寒风使树叶变得槁木死灰。A cold wind sears the leaves.

凛冽的寒风吹得我的耳朵都发木了。The cold wind nipped my ears.

寒风刺骨,风力很大。It was bitter coldand very windy.

你可害怕寒风凛冽。Do you fear the force of the wind.

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我们感到寒风刺骨。We felt the bite of the cold wind.

我将去地方寒风凛冽!Im going where the cold wind blows.

刺骨的寒风使视力模糊。The biting wind bleared the vision.

寒风吹遍街道的每个角落。The cold wind searched the streets.

寒风猛烈,冷得刺骨。The wind was gusting hard and cold.

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我将去的地方寒风凛冽!I'm going where the cold wind blows.

寒风刺骨。The cold wind chills one to the bone.

西北风吼寒风叫。Northwest wind roars cold wind shouts.