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这更像是一场执行枪决。This was more of an execution.

他们以前不枪决女人,难道时过境迁了吗"They didn't shoot women, do they?"

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与敌人勾结者一律枪决。Any one who collaborates should be shot.

你说他们要枪决她们是什么意思What do you mean they're going to shoot them?

公开的绞刑和枪决在这里频频上演。Public hangings and firing squads were common.

我的命令是集中营里每十个人要有一个被枪决。My orders are that one man in every ten shall be shot in this camp.

在他身边的人回答,"他们要枪决她们"And, so, the guy next to him says, "Well, they're going to shoot them."

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俘虏的态度激怒了勒克莱尔将军,他居然下令枪决这些法奸。They say it angered Leclerc, and he gave orders to shoot the prisoners.

死刑采用枪决或者注射等方法执行。A death sentence shall be executed by such means as shooting or injection.

其它文件感染病毒只感染其他文件时,他们立即执行枪决。Other file infector viruses only infect other files when they are executed.

负责剑桥团伙的官员将被指控为蓄意破坏,甚至会被枪决。Those officers running the Cambridge ring might be accused of sabotage. They might be shot.

一名有数十年积怨的枪手在学校将女孩们截住,对她们实施枪决。Gunman with decades-old grudge barricaded girls in school and killed them "execution style".

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其中一些人穿上印有加德纳犯人编号14873的T恤衫,不过当晚没有人去旁观枪决。Some wore T-shirts bearing Gardner's prisoner number, 14873, but none witnessed the execution.

听当地的工人说,在1980年市公安局在这个地方枪决了很多犯人。A local employee said the municipal police had used the site for mass executions into the 1980s.

这时候,警察厅已经接到了佐藤命令,于黄昏时分对于成声执行枪决。At this time, the police department has received Misaki Sato commands at dusk for voice executed.

他倒挑了个地方,倒也不坏,就让他这样待着,就地枪决!It is well that he has placed himself there. Let him remain there. Let us shoot him down on the spot.

根据他们的说法,从枪决到注射死刑的转变,是中国人权保护进步的表现。According to them, the switch from gunshots to injections is a sign that China "promotes" human rights now.

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同时何芸交待钟离,申请亲自枪决自己,这样自己就会死得更有价值。He Yun confessed out at the same time, the application in person shot himself, so he will die more valuable.

于是警察逮捕了说谎的大江健三郎,数日后执行枪决。Therefore police have arrested Kenzaburou Ooe who lies, after several days, carries out executes by shooting.

第二,最近媒体报道英国公民阿克毛涉嫌贩毒被判死刑,请问目前此案进展如何,最高人民法院复核结果何时公布,是否将被处以死刑、何时执行、将被枪决还是注射执行?Can you tell us the latest developments? When will the reviewing result of the Supreme People's Court be released?