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亚硝酸水解N-氨甲酰-D-苯丙氨酸制备D-苯丙氨酸。Nc-D-Phe is hydrolyzed to D-Phe by nitrous acid.

食品中的黄曲毒素。亚硝酸类物皆具有致癌性。The food toxins. Grasped Such things have their area.

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局部换水,并测试亚硝酸含量。Do several partial water changes and test for Nitrites.

可以用亚硝酸汞来代替亚硝酸银。Instead of silver nitrite mercuric nitrite may be used.

它研究了过氧化氢对亚硝酸的作用。It has studied the action of hydrogen peroxide on nitrous acid.

亚硝酸酯与过氧化烷基反应,得到烷基硝酸酯。Nitrous esters can react with alkyl peroxides to yield alkyl nitrates.

亚甲蓝和乙醇不影响过亚硝酸根的分解速率。The rate of decomposition was not affected by methylene blue and ethanol.

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竹炭对水中氯离子、氟离子、亚硝酸根离子吸附作用较弱。The adsorption function of Bamboo charcoal toward CL-, F-, NO2-is slighter.

高碘酸钾与甲基红的反应可为亚硝酸根所催化。The reaction of potassium periodate and orange red can be catalyzed by nitrous ions.

本发明提供了迷迭香酸在制备过亚硝酸根抑制剂中的应用。The invention provides an application of rosmarinic acid as a peroxynitrite inhibitor.

绿色蔬菜加工后,随时间的不同,亚硝酸根含量不同。The nitrite content of green vegetables processed is different with the different time.

亚硝酸化合物的前体——硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐正是这类物质的典型代表。The typical examples of the predecessors of N-nitro compounds were nitrate and nitrite.

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过亚硝酸根具有强细胞毒性,能够修饰DNA碱基、造成DNA单链断裂。Peroxynitrite, which is cytotoxic, can modify DNA bases and make DNA single strand break.

在水中,氮是以有机氮、氨态氮、亚硝酸氮和硝酸氮的形式存在的。In water, nitrogen exists in form of organic nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite and nitrate.

但是三者的龙眼核的乙醇提取物对亚硝酸根的清除效果都不明显。However, ethanol extract of each of the longan cultivars exhibited weak scavenging capacity against NO2.

为实现稳定的NO-2-N积累,对SBR中亚硝酸型硝化的影响因素进行了研究。The affecting factors of nitrosofication in SBR were studied to achieve the steady accumulation of NO_2-N.

腌制剂中添加硝酸盐或亚硝酸干腌火腿的特征性红色是由亚硝基肌红蛋白形成的。The characteristic red color of dry-cured ham made with nitrate or nitrite is caused by nitrosylmyoglobin.

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腌制剂中添加硝酸盐或亚硝酸干腌火腿的特征性红色是由亚硝基肌红蛋白形成的。The characteristic red color of thy-cured ham made with nitrate or nitrite is caused by nitrosylmyoglobin.

目前亚硝酸型生物脱氮因为其节约能源和碳源备受人们的关注。Shortcut biological nitrogen removal process was currently widely concerned due to saving energy and carbon.

研究了亚硝酸乙酯在不同载体及负载钯催化剂上的分解行为。The decomposition of ethyl nitrite over different supports and supported palladium catalysts was investigated.