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我不希望阿岱也来送死。I don't want Adai to die,too.

好吧,她值得我们去送死吗?。Well, is she worth dying for?

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我不希望阿岱也来送死。I don't want Adai to die, too.

那么这些就是新来送死的了,哈?So these are the new corpses, huh?

我会一直大笑,因为你们都是来送死的。I'll laugh last cause you came to die.

好啊,既然你有意来送死,我就成全你!Well, since you came to die, I just made you!

你以为我会眼睁睁地看着你去送死吗?我会闭上眼睛的!Do you think I will watch you die? I'll close my eyes. !

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但是他让数百万人送死,人们还是会买?"Buthe killed millions and yet people still buy it?" I ask.

你以为我会眼睁睁地看着你去送死?我会闭上眼睛的。Do you think I will sit and watch you die? I will close your eyes for.

可是他们的父亲非常高兴,他因为让孩子们去送死而感到很难过。But their father was delighted, for he was very sad to leave them to die.

如果你的死可以改变什么,那么我们大家都会感到欣慰,但是实际上你什么都改变不了,所以我不想让你白白送死!If your dying would change anything, then maybe it would be. But it won’t.

他们为了自己的利益扯谎作弊,让美国年轻人去送死。They lie and cheat and send young Americans to their death solely for their own profit.

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从记忆改造箱里批量生产出来,像姜饼一样华而不实的家伙,给他们鼓足劲,就把他们派到战场去送死!Press them out of the resoc tanks like so many gingerbread men, wind 'em up and send 'em off to die!

什么是非载人的?意思就是没有中国人相信他们这个玩意儿,都不肯上去送死。Why is it unmanned? Because even Chinese people don't trust their lives to a spacecraft made in China.

许德拉很爱阿尼,他不会让阿尼去送死,她决定在阿尼之前击退赫五力,哪怕是同归于尽。Hydra deeply loved Nemean and decided to fight Hercules herself even if it meant they had to die together.

他在信中花了大量笔墨,说殉道者的权威有多大,因为他正要去殉道送死。He spends a lot of time in his letters claiming the authority of a martyr because he's on his way to being killed.

如果你的死可以改变什么,那么我们大家都会感到欣慰,但是实际上你什么都改变不了,所以我不想让你白白送死!If your dying would change anything, then maybe it would be. But it won't. And I don't want you to die for nothing!

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娣妹见石娇不介意郑一于「七海争雄」中死去,猜想石娇打算让郑一去送死。Her sister see zheng jiao dont mind a stone in the seven sea supremacy die, guess stone jiao to let zheng one to die.

除了等待最好的机会一击必中外,任何冒进都是送死浑水才能摸着鱼。In addition to wait for the best chance to strike will Chinese and foreign, any leads are all die of muddy water can touch the fish.

他们还不如死在亚特兰大,何必冒着火一般的骄阳,坐在破马车里整日颠簸,跑到荒凉的塔拉废墟来送死呢?Better that they had died in Atlanta than, tortured by this day of burning sun and jolting wagon, to die in the silent ruins of Tara.