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赫兹压服口风。Hz squelch tone.

她的回答彻底把他压服了。Her answer finished him.

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你们最后压服他了吗?Did you finally persuade him?

他们的抗议被压服了。Their protests were overborne.

本人已压服他赞成了。I have talked him into agreeing.

第三,学术论文还要有压服性。Third, the academic papers have brought.

压服七边在路边摆摊设局。Keep down seven on the roadside stalls set.

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温和的说服胜于压服。Gentle persuasion is more effective than force.

她经常用尖刻的挖苦话压服别人。She often squelches others with biting sarcasm.

国王试图压服被占领区的人民。The king tried to keep the conquered people down.

白人种族主义者企图用武力压服印第安人。The white racists tried to keep down the Indians by force.

然后实验压服他加里老板出售这些衣服。Garry then tried to persuade his boss to sell these clothes.

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要人家服,只能说服,不能压服。We have to convince others by persuasion rather than by oppression.

如果你能压服经营团队,我会很感谢。I would reaccessory appreciate your persuaadvise your administration.

他的行头是一身加压服和一个密封的、充满氧气的头盔。He will wear a pressure suit and a sealed helmet supplied with oxygen.

这就是为什么我现在推荐一种健康的饮食习惯,如果您打算压服痤疮。This is why I now recommend a healthy diet if you plan to squelch acne.

按这个代价,我们不能压服用户置备你们的产品。We ca't persuoffere the end-users to buy your products with this price.

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解决思想问题只能靠说服,不能压服。Ideological problems can be solved only through persuasion, not by coercion.

这颗狂热追求正义的良心多少次把他箍紧而压服!How many times had that conscience, mad for the good, clasped and overthrown him!

你曾经试图压服过一个单个的中国人,说你们的运动是正义的吗?Have you ever managed to convince a single Chinese person that your cause is noble?