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同学们说,这种反霸行计划已产生很好效果。Students say such anti-bullying programs have made a big difference.

我们坚持原来的主张,那就是裁军的斗争必须同反霸斗争结合起来。We hold our ground that the struggle for disarmament must be combined with fight against hegemonism.

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教育部透过宣示活动展现反霸凌决心。Ministry of Education shows its determination to keep bully away from campus through the campaign of declaration.

国际上,反霸斗争更加发展,霸权主义更加孤立。On the international scene, the struggle against hegemonism has grown and the hegemonists are increasingly isolated.

反恐与反霸并举是促进世界和平与发展的根本要求。Anti-terrorism and anti-hegemony have been a fundamental requirement in promoting the peace and development of the world.

这一点,对于我们实现四个现代化,对于加强国际反霸斗争,都是有利的。This will help both in China's struggle to achieve the four modernizations and in the international struggle against hegemonism.

他们一听到“反霸”就火冒三丈,这充分暴露了他们那霸权主义的蛮横嘴脸。The fact that they fly into a rage at a mere mention of the expression"anti-hegemony"is enough to reveal their true colours as a domineering hegemonists.

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在以合作求安全、以协商求安全,建立新的安全机制维护安全和坚持反霸反恐并重的思维。This new thinking requires a new security maintaining mechanism to guarantee security and fight against hegemony by means of cooperation and negotiation.

以独立自主为前提,以实事求是为基调,以反霸斗争为主旋律,以和平共处为最终目的。The autonomy of the precondition to seeking truth from facts as the keynote to the main theme of the struggle against hegemony, to the ultimate goal of peaceful coexistence.

我们支持发展中国家建立各种原料输出国组织,进行反殖、反帝、反霸的联合斗争。We support the developing countries in establishing various organizations of raw material exporting countries for a united struggle against colonialism, imperialism and hegemonism.