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这根针已经磁化了。This needle has been magnetized.

很可能是被磁化了。Is likely to be the magnetization.

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北京同福流体磁化设备公司。Tongfu Fluid Magnetization Equip Co.

这把改锥已经磁化了。This screwdriver has been magnetized.

这个磁性很强的磁铁磁化了这个铁刮胡刀。The strong magnet magnetized the iron shavings.

每个磁泡可以按不同方向磁化。Each bobble is magnetized in one direction or another.

将铁放在磁石的旁边,铁将会被磁化。Placing iron next to a magnet will magnetize the iron.

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将针与磁石摩擦就可以将其磁化。You can magnetize a needle by rubbing it with a magnet.

每个磁泡可以按不同方向磁化。Each bobble is magnetized in one direction or the other.

铁粒子最大的特点是具有可磁化的性质。The wear-out monitor is developed by using this character.

某些金属能被磁化,例如铁、钴和镍。Some metals, such as iron, cobalt and nickel, are magnetic.

大多数时候很可能是显示器被磁化导致。Most of the time display is likely to be led by magnetization.

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让电流通过铁能使铁磁化。Iron can be magnetized by passing an electric current round it.

磁组构是指磁化率的各向异性。The magnetic fabric means the anisotropy of the susceptibility.

也叫磁极化强度或磁化强度。Also called magnetic polarization or intensity of magnetization.

设计出磁化裂解垃圾处理的设备。Design the magnetization cracking of garbage treatment equipment.

火山岩在正常情况下有强的磁化率。Volanic rocks have high susceptibilities under normal conditions.

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在居里温度以上,没有自发的磁化。Above the curie temperature there is no spontaneous magnetization.

火山岩在正常情况下有强的磁化率。Volcanic rocks have high susceptibilities under normal conditions.

也许通过衡量我们所处的宇宙的易磁化方向我们可以了解更多。We could tell by measuring the preferred direction of our universe.