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请你竭尽全力,顺其自然吧。Do your best and let go.

医生竭尽全力救活她。Doctors fought to keep her alive.

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竭尽全力来保护地球吧!Make every effort to protect the earth!

我知道那个孩子在竭尽全力的比赛。All I know is that kid can flat-out play.

英雄总是想方计法并竭尽全力地做事。A hero tries to do and give his very best.

这就是他们竭尽全力所希望达到的厚颜无耻之境界。That’s the audacity of hope at full stretch.

我竭尽全力想为丰田车队挣得一些分数。I tried my best to get some points for Toyota.

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中国承诺竭尽全力帮助受海啸袭击的亚洲地区。China has help the tsunami-hit regions of Asia.

还不如订下实践可行的方针,然后竭尽全力。As for practical policy, then strain every nerve.

他竭尽全力要搬开这块石头。He struggled with might and main to move the stone.

石是一名很棒的球员,并且他总是竭尽全力。Suk is a good player and he always does his utmost.

工人们竭尽全力增加生产。The workers laid about them to increase production.

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“我知道他们爱我,并且竭尽全力的帮助我”。“I know they love me and have been trying to help me”.

他们正竭尽全力试图爬到顶端。They are making an all-out attempt to climb to the top.

你有自己的生活,你辛辛苦苦工作,而且竭尽全力。You live your life, work hard, and do the best you can.

现在,报纸正竭尽全力运用互联网。Today, papers are doing their best to co-opt the internet.

他会竭尽全力务使他的政府能继续执政。He would go to any lengths to keep his government in power.

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他们要竭尽全力的去应付家庭和工作。They’d exhaust themselves trying to juggle family and work.

这可能是他们竭尽全力能骗来的最大队伍了。This might be their best try to get teams out of deception.

但他们竭尽全力为儿子提供高等教育。But they went all out to afford the higher education for him.