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它能够增长。It can grow.

锈能够折断铁。Rust breaks iron.

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我们能够交叉销售吗?Can we cross-sell?

你能够想象在22岁的时候就自己当老板并且财政独立么?Could you imagine?

能够爱多久?How long can love?

我能够抓到莫奇。I can catch Mocky.

所有的真心都能够换来真意。All I can get true.

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要是我们能够查明L。If we can find L. L.

谁能够保证什么?Who can promise what?

我们能够取下这些器官吗?Can we take it or not?

如何能够交叉销售?How can we cross-sell?

我能够欣赏灵歌。I can appreciate that.

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我能够看龙舟赛。I can watch boat vase.

我希望您能够同意。I hope you will agree.

它最好能够物有所值。It better be worth it.

没有人能够超过他。None could outgun him.

因此,我们能够欺骗死亡吗?So can we cheat death?

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但是,我们能够欺骗死亡吗?But can we cheat death?

但是没有人能够保证。But no one can be sure.

我能够看龙舟赛。I can watch Boat races.