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技术犯规。Technical foul.

对于所有米技术。For all M. Tech.

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我投篮技术很好。I shoot very well.

技术抑或人为失误?Tech or human fail?

“疯”是一门技术活。" Crazy "is a door.

技术就摆在那儿。Technology is there.

淀粉糖生产技术。Corn sugar technology.

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他偷了我的技术。He stole my technique.

它有很多细节技术It has a lot of detail.

专利技术。Proprietary technology.

单束技术。Single beam techniques.

我们有技术。We have the technology.

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我的烹调技术甚差。I'm inexpert at cooking.

这是一个技术活。This is a technical job.

这个绘图员描图的技术好。The draftsman draws well.

遥感技术能帮上忙吗?Could remote sensing help?

那个首席技术官写不写博客呢?Does the CTO write a blog?

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白帽子的技术而已。White hat techniques only.

研究了多抽样率技术。Research multi-rate theory.

技术控制室。The Technical Control room.