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它的内部则有圆润的过渡,一切浑然天成。Its interior has fruity transition, all like nature itself.

在他每一件作品中,都可以看到他浑然天成的艺术感。His innate artistic sense can be seen in each piece of work.

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劳勃狄尼洛十年来最浑然天成的演出!Robert DeNiro gives his most natural performance in a decade.

她设计的大厦像一阵疾风,清新自然、孔武有力、浑然天成。Her buildings are like a gust of wind — organic, forceful and utterly natural.

这是个浑然天成的洞穴。山洞在一个浅桔色的砂岩峭壁之下。Nature made this den, a cave undercutting bluff of beautiful orange-beige sandstone.

一个个依山傍海的住宅小区与自然环境浑然天成。The uptown, nestling under the mountain and beside the sea is set in the natural environment.

告别苍白、灰暗和令人生畏的“面具妆容”,肌肤全天候焕发浑然天成的清透光彩。Prevent pale, dull and lifeless "mask makeup", and make skin clear and lustrous for a whole day.

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作品中有力的刀凿斧劈、刻痕纹理,都可以看出这种浑然天成的创作过程。This natural process of working is evident in the powerful cuts and strokes used to carve his figures.

独特的乳化工艺缔造出幼滑柔润的粉底液,质地轻盈易于延展,无懈贴合肌肤有如浑然天成。Silky smooth texture from unique emulsifying process. Glides on and blends in skin easily and naturally.

实际上,这件衣服镶有精细的银丝,做工浑然天成以至于第一眼望去都看不到。Instead, it was laced with silver filigree, of such a delicate nature that it was invisible at first blush.

原始校园网格布局在爱荷华河处破碎,如同撞击在石灰岩峭壁一样浑然天成。The original grid of the campus breaks up at the Iowa River, becoming organic as it hits the limestone bluff.

因此杏心十足杏仁枣应运而生,它把美国大杏仁和红枣有机融合在一起,浑然天成。As a result, the power almond was born. It combines almond and red dates together and it likes natural-itself.

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其喻的本体与喻体大都具有形似与神似浑然天成且情趣盎然的深层特色。Both of the noumenon and metaphor object have deep characteristic, they are similar in form and alike in spirit.

一体化金属机身,与弧面屏浑然天成,彰显着华为麦芒4的个性。The metal unibody seamlessly integrated with a curved screen demonstrates the individuality of Huawei Maimang 4.

配上这个非常轻的膜做成的驱动单元,它使声音活灵活现,浑然天成。The sound is dynamic and natural thanks to the especially powerful drive units with ultra-lightweight membranes.

布朗宁小肋骨配以可可粉、蔓越莓的果实,生姜和柳橙汁,口味浑然天成。Browning the ribs and adding cocoa powder, cranberries, ginger, and orange zest make the stew sing in the same key.

现在我有机会把文化相关的内容做成这本书,而且感觉上浑然天成。Then I actually had the opportunity to do this work on culture and this actually feels like a nice coherent entity.

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仙人桥浑然天成,状如彩虹,周围景观独特、生趣盎然,秀美的风景让人心旷神怡。The natural Xianren Bridge looks like a rainbow. The surrounding scenery is also unique, and fascinating to visitors.

此作的视觉表现力突出,画面的墨色层次丰富多变,浑然天成,一任自然率真之气,充满了神秘之感。The visual expression is outstanding. The picture's inky level is rich and changeful. It is full of mysterious feeling.

在这个设计中,事务所创建一条浑然天成、呼应周边景观的小径。In their design, the firm gave utmost priority to creating a trail that responded to and grew from the existing landscape.