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他的辩才使得我们哑口无言。His eloquence struck us dumb.

诗人天生,辩才练成。Poet is born, but orator is made.

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我佩服某些政治家的辩才。I admire the oratory of some politicians.

我为你将展尽辩才反对自己。For thee, against my self I'll vow debate.

她以其辩才和美貌着称。She was renowned for her eloquence and beauty.

有些政治家以辩才著称。Some politicians are famous for their powers of oratory.

成就一切智慧,获得无边辩才。And they will achieve all wisdom and obtain wonderful eloquence.

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如果论据是错的,你的辩才也就没有什么用了。Your ability to argue is of little avail if the facts are wrong.

总统的辩才感动了所有聆听者的心。The eloquence of the President moved all hearts who listened to him.

那些雇来的演说家继续滔滔不绝地施展辩才。The hired orators continued to pour forth their streams of eloquence.

是鲍西亚敏捷的头脑和出色的辩才让她成了这出戏中的英雄。It is her sharp mind and debating skills that make Portia the heroine of the play.

他们认为,正是他的出生,背景和卓越辩才,赋予了他那些神奇特质。His birth, background and eloquence, they believe, give him almost magical qualities.

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即使有苏秦、张仪那样的辩才,又怎能说动我的心呢?Not even strategists like Su Ch'ing and Chang I of ancient times could make me change my mind.

对希刺克厉夫先生的愤怒所感到的致命的恐怖使他又恢复了他那懦夫的辩才。The mortal terror he felt of Mr Heathcliff's anger, restored to the boy his coward's eloquence.

未来成佛,得四辩才,是名第三大副报。In the future will achieve Buddhahood, four eloquences, will be the third first mate newspapers.

但是愤怒的牛津人用西塞罗式的辩才宣称,商业应该远离学术的净土。But outraged Oxonians unleashed volleys of Ciceronian oratory, arguing that the groves of academe should be out of bounds to commerce.

以他有限的词汇量以及他对任何敢指责自己的人进行攻击的倾向,不能指望他展现什么辩才或高尚情操。With his limited vocabulary and inclination to attack anyone who dares criticise him, eloquent oratory and lofty sentiments cannot be expected.

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可惜我没有柯林斯那样出众的辩才,没能写出一本像样的畅销书来。I can also see lessons learned from fishing which apply to business and life, although I am not as eloquent as Jim Collins and have yet to author a best-seller.

经常我们的争辩会告诉父亲,或许是我的理直气壮和辩才,因此这审判常是有利于我。Our disputes were often brought before our father, and I fancy I was either generally in the right, or else a better pleader, because the judgment was generally in my favor.