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我船有倾覆的危险。I am in danger of capsizing.

这只船在汪洋大海中倾覆了。The boat capsized in heavy seas.

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船在暴风雨中倾覆了。The ship keeled over in the storm.

那艘船在暴风雨中倾覆了。The ship keeled over in the storm.

路面上有一辆倾覆的公共汽车。There's a bus overset on the road.

小心不要使船倾覆。Be careful not to capsize the boat.

大浪几于那一条船倾覆。Heavy seas nearly overturned the ship.

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轮船在暴风雨中倾覆了。The ship turtled over in the big storm.

当船倾覆时有多少人淹死了?How many drowned when the boat capsized?

小船在风暴中倾覆了。The small boat keeled over in the storm.

小船在暴风雨中倾覆了。The little boat canted over in the storm.

船突然上下颠簸,接著就倾覆了。The boat pitched suddenly and keeled over.

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我不倾覆你所说的这城。Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar.

一辆装有数百个蜂箱的大货车倾覆。A truck carrying hundreds of beehives overturned.

那架失事飞机还在那里倾覆着。The accident aeroplane was still nosed over there.

在返航途中游艇被突然袭来的狂风暴雨所倾覆。On the return voyage the yacht capsized in a sudden squall.

虽然这艘船开始倾覆,但她很快就恢复了直立状态。Although the ship started to tip over,she soon righted herself.

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船是否有趋于沉没或倾覆的危险。Is the vessel in any immediate danger of sinking or capsizing ?

2010年4月20日,钻井平台“深水地平线”发生了一场爆炸,并在两日后倾覆沉没。Deepwater Horizon suffered an explosion and sank two days later.

受到内心怀疑的风暴搅扰,伯多禄险遭倾覆。Having an interior storm of doubting thoughts, Peter was sinking.