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订货货单编号是0018。It 's number 0018.

小酒吧物品的订货工作。Ordering of mini-bar items.

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你们的订货在星期一就可以出货。Your order can go out on Monday.

我们必须先从他们那订货。We have to order from them first.

请发函确认贵方订货。Please write to confirm your order.

小批订货今年也受迎接。A small order this year is also welcome.

我会尽可能快地航班取消怎么办装运这批订货。I'll ship the order as quickly as po ible.

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小批订货今年也受接待。A small order this year is way too welcome.

是关于我们第930025号合同的订货。It's about our order under Contract 930025.

我方收到了标号为CL818的那批订货。We received our order No. CL 818 yesterday.

如承试订货,不胜感激。转自派特森英语。We should be grateful for your trial order.

订货时要求交付或结转库存。When ordering ask for delivery or carryout.

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我们期望第挨次订货请求预付货款。We expect payment in advance on first orders.

小批订货今年也授欢迎。A smproveneficialyder this year is even welcome.

希望贵方能就这次订货开具形式发票。A proforma invoice will be required for the order.

填料函尺寸,数量,分布和电流请在订货时说明。The size, quantity, parcelling of cable gland and.

C-130J机组在四天内将这批订货运送完毕。The C-130J crews cleared that backlog in four days.

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请转告她,她的订货已经付运,好吗?。Would you tell her that her order has been shipped?

我们将从一个高质量的供运商那取得少量的订货。We will order a large quantity from a good supplier.

如果你想订货,你必须开支票给你方作订金。If you want to take an order , you must draw a check.