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另一方面,在这份榜单上涌现出226名后起之秀。The rankings include 226 newcomers.

那个年轻人是曲坛的后起之秀。The young man is a rising star in the world of quyi performance.

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蓬莱渤海地毯制造有限公司是近几年地毯界的后起之秀。Penglai bohai carpet manufacturing co. ltd. is a growth company in carpet field.

色织衬衫面料传统面料的后起之秀,亦是乐赶时髦青年的钟情物。Rising star of traditional fabrics dyed shirt fabric, is also a fashion of young love.

一些后起之秀,例如中国,不情愿被卷入某些全球性大讨论中。Certain rising players, including China, are reluctant to engage in some global debates.

只有已故的后起之秀是黄河红帽科的,这是科对达赖喇嘛和班禅喇嘛。The only late comer was Yellow Hat branch, that was the branch of Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama.

它追踪高层管理者在接触并激励公司的后起之秀方面做得如何。It tracks how well its top executives are doing to meet and inspire the company's up-and-comers.

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英国如今已成为一个可以酿出与香槟媲美的起泡酒的后起之秀。The UK have already become a up-rising star of the sparkling wine which can be on a par with Champagne.

红军教头贝尼特斯将用季前热身赛来检验安菲尔德的后起之秀们。Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez will be using pre-season to challenge the rising stars of the Anfield outfit.

我迷尼尔盖曼和史蒂夫奈尔斯,还有后起之秀漫画,B.P.R.D。,勒诺。勒诺是我的大爱!I'm a big Neil Gaiman and Steve Niles kind of fan. More Dark Horse Comics, B. P. R. D. , Lenore. I love Lenore!

上榜的本土零售巨头包括一些前国营企业、百货商店和一些后起之秀。Leading local retailers include formerly state-owned operators, department store chains and a few new retailers.

但盟友们担心的并不只是奥巴马看住中国这样的后起之秀的能力。But such allies are worried not just about Mr Obama's ability to stare down alarming, fast-rising powers such as China.

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但是,除在互联网行业和电脑游戏行业,韩国鲜有后起之秀或者技术领先型的企业。But except in some internet businesses and computer gaming, South Korea has few start-ups or cutting-edge technology firms.

骆宾基是"东北作家群"的后起之秀,但却表现出不俗的创作实力。Luo Binji, who has shown his great strength on writing creation, is a coming man in the group of Northeast Chinese Writers.

瓦希德出生于1986年,曾是一名计算机科学学生。监测点的人经常将他视作IS的后起之秀。Born in 1986 and a former computer science student, Waheeb was often described on monitoring sites as a rising star among IS.

翡翠是玉家族的后起之秀,虽然构成与玉完全不同,它所受到喜爱的程度却没有不同。Jadeite, lately appeared in the jade family, although different components inside, is equally and deeply loved by the Chinese.

“针织双面擦镜布”是针织面料中的后起之秀,亦是产业用业的钟情面料。"Knitted double-sided cleaning the mirror" is a rising star in knitted fabric, is also a loving fabric of industrial industry.

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各个行业的与会者坦白承认,他们会对公司领导会在多大程度上真正衡量一个后起之秀的希望而感到紧张不安。And all sorts of attendees owned up to jitters about how well their companies' leaders can truly gauge a rising star's promise.

在加利福尼亚的一个大型的技术交流会议上,乔布斯与电信设备领域的后起之秀CERENT公司的首席执行官凯尔鲁索相遇。In California, at a large technology conference, Chambers and telecommunications equipment rising star Cerent CEO Carl Russo met.

然而,RIM也面临着来自于苹果和众多基于谷歌安卓系统的手持设备后起之秀的竞争。RIM, however, is also facing tough competition from Apple and a host of upstarts selling handsets based on Google’s Android software.