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白毫银针是嫩嫩的茶芽,芽上面有白色的小细毛。It has really tender leaves. The leaves have small and tiny hair.

本品系选优质烘青银针绿茶,用茉莉花熏制而成。High quality dry tip green tea was chosen to fume with the jasmine.

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主要用于加工银针鱼鱼肉干。The method is mainly used for processing the dried silver smelt meat.

我们混合了功能银针,最优质的白茶与樱花。Our blend features Silver Needle, highest quality white tea, with Sakura.

在小银针插入他的受伤的脖子时,库马尔全身僵直。Chroniger stiffens as Kumar inserts the small needles into his damaged neck.

著名的白茶品种为“白毛银针”和“白牡丹”。The most famous varieties are "silver Needles White Fuzz" and "White Peony".

这样,您便可以准确体验到白毫银针音的标准味道了。In this way, you'll accurately experience the standard taste of Baihao Yinzhen.

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君山银针以形、色、香、味俱美著称于世。Junshan silver needle is famous for its excellent shape, color, aroma and taste.

中国的韦生楚用最多数量的针灸用的银针扎满了自己的头和脸,因而声名远扬。China's Wei Shengchu gains notoriety for most acupuncture needles in the head and face.

茶在冲泡时,紧包着的银针茶会慢慢松开来,然后在内的花串就会向上,形成一朵美丽的水中花。When the tea ball is brewing with hot water, the tea ball will slowly open like flower blooming.

对于心脏外科,除在腕关节的银针外,在每只前臂上扎了一根银针。For the heart surgery, in addition to the needles in the wrists, a needle was placed in each forearm.

大白茶良种茶树原料是制造白毫银针的必要的物质基础。Large white tea varieties of tea Silver Needle Pekoe raw materials is to create the material basis necessary.

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在课堂外,我的手拿着锋利的银针还有线在编织着我的服装作品。Outside of the classroom, my hands embraced the sharp, silver needle and thread to create the usable art of clothing.

殷素素眼见张翠山就要被突然发疯的谢逊杀害,情急之下用银针射中谢逊的眼睛。In her attempt to save Zhang Cuishan from the Crazy Xie Xun, Yin Susu uses the Silver needles to shoot Xie Xun's eyes.

一朵雪花的体态是轻盈的,宛如六枚小银针,千针万线,给S大学校园绣出了合身的水晶外套。A snowflake is light, like six silver needles weaving a suited crystal coat with thousands of strings for S university.

疾病,不能吃带糖的东西,并将银针的照片拿给他看,这些公开工作的同志人人都是无名小卒。Disease, can't eat with the sugar, and the things the silver photos he see, these public the comrades working everyone is a nobody.

扎入穴位的银针或者局部注射药物以激发腺苷释放都能使得小鼠对痛觉敏感性大大降低。Inserting an acupuncture needle or locally injecting a drug that boosted adenosine's action made the mice far less sensitive to pain.

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此次活动由“茶博士”Maria主持,她为参加活动的小朋友们准备的是叫做“白毫银针”的传统中国茶叶。Maria, the “Tea Master” held the ceremony for children – she prepared white tea Bai-Hao-Ing-Chzen according to the Chinese tradition.

白茶,特别是白毫银针,富含多种氨基酸和抗氧化剂-多酚中的儿茶素。White Tea, especially White Hair Silver Needle, has high contents of free amino acids and active antioxidants with catechin in its Tea Polyphenols.

将银针插入图中相应的穴位,将激发组织释放缓解疼痛的化学物质。A needle a day. Inserting needles into certain acupuncture points, shown here as labeled dots, seems to spur tissue to release a pain-killing chemical.