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为什么你如此的愤世嫉俗?Why are you always so cynical?

难道仅因为我确非愤世嫉俗之辈?Just because I am not a misanthrope?

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是的,我是既浪漫又愤世嫉俗的。Yes, I'm both a romantic and a cynic.

你也许会认为她现在一定愤世嫉俗。You might think she’d be cynical by now.

内心的愤世嫉俗可以加速你的学习。Your inner cynic can accelerate your learning

你们要做愤世嫉俗者,超级变态机战私服,还是踏实的建设者?。Will you be a cynic, or will you be a builder?

然而控制权的丧失并未使他痛苦不堪或愤世嫉俗。Loss has not embittered him or made him cynical.

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因此他获得了愤世嫉俗者的名声。Therefore he earned the fame of being a misanthrope.

内心的愤世嫉俗可以保护你,并提醒你的无知。Your inner cynic can protect you and alert you to BS

特别是,我那非常愤世嫉俗的18岁的女儿,And particularly, my very cynical 18-year-old daughter,

内心的愤世嫉俗可以使你了解你真正的价值所在!Your inner cynic can point you to what you really value

“好了,可别那么愤世嫉俗,”马丁提出要求,“杂志编辑并非都那么昏庸,这我是知道的。The magazine editors are not wholly fatuous. I know that.

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这表现出来了经济知识的缺乏以及难以接受的愤世嫉俗。This is economically illiterate and disgracefully cynical.

帕雷托是个愤世嫉俗的人,当时的社会使他的理想破灭了。Pareto was a cynic disillusioned by the society of his day.

对于奴隶制,如果你想这么理解的话,这便是一种愤世嫉俗的辩护This is this kind of cynical, if you want, defense of slavery.

内心的愤世嫉俗可以帮助你更仔细的观察到真相。Your inner cynic can help you to observe reality more accurately

在某些方面他是一个典型,愤世嫉俗的亲奴分子He was in some ways the epitome of the kind of cynical pro-slavery.

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内心的愤世嫉俗可以帮助你集中精力解决问题。Your inner cynic can help you to focus your problem-solving efforts

这是一部美好舒适的电影,温暖的叙事,没有丝毫的愤世嫉俗。It's a lovely comfort movie, nestled softly in a cynicism-free zone.

我怀疑在你愤世嫉俗的外表下,你的内心是个多愁善感的人。I suspect that under that cynical shell you're at heart a sentimentalist.