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与此同时,电煤供应吃紧。On top of that, coal supplies are tight.

“劳动力市场吃紧,”德斯罗切尔斯说。"The labor market is tight, " Mr. DesRochers said.

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银根吃紧时,许多企业会倒闭。When money is in short supply,many businesses fail.

你的脸仍然吃紧,拉紧,的背影,不论你的年龄。Your face remains tight, taut, and young-looking, no matter what your age.

增加外国学生的招生人数还应能改善牛津大学资金吃紧的状况。A greater influx of foreigners should also improve the university's stretched finances.

故君子闲时要有吃紧的心思,忙处要有悠闲的趣味。A scholar should keep the mind busy when at leisure, and maintain a relaxed state when busy.

这些可以避免的伤害也使许多国家本已吃紧的卫生保健系统超负荷运转。These avoidable injuries also overload already stretched health-care systems in many countries.

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“我们今年初花了一大笔钱,所以现在资金有些吃紧,”Walton表示。"We went through a really big expense at the beginning of this year, so money is a little tight," she said.

由于玉米和豆粕供应短缺,价格上涨,饲料原料的质量控制也愈发吃紧。Ingredient quality is also under pressure as corn and soyabean meal are in shorter supply and more expensive.

战事这样吃紧,有没有可能让龚东宁单独进京?The warfare becomes critical like this, having may let Gong does the east rather and alone go to the capital?

经济吃紧的政府发现减少文化界活动或者新的公共建筑的开销更为容易一点。Cash-strapped governments find it easy to cut spending on cultural events, or spectacular new public buildings.

他们曾十分犹豫要不要让马拉克上战场,但是曼德洛战争吃紧的形势只留给他们有限的选择。They were hesitant to unleash Malak onto the battlefields, but the strains of the Mandalorian Wars left them few options.

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一些预算专家说,美国其他现金吃紧的州可能会步加州后尘,向华盛顿寻求更多帮助。Other cash-strapped states may follow Mr. Schwarzenegger in turning to Washington for more help, some budget experts said.

但是,飞涨的物价把几百万人逼入了费妮巴的绝境,捐赠国的预算也愈加吃紧。But rising food prices may put millions more into Ms. Finiba’s sandals, just as donor countries’ budgets are under pressure.

今年十月,由于现金吃紧的开发商们急着出手,房价连续第二个月下降。Home prices reversed in October for the second consecutive month as cash-strapped developers became desperate to unload homes.

官员们说,至少抗议会给该地区已经吃紧的安全设施增加额外的压力。At the very least, officials said, protests would put additional pressure on the region's already-stretched security apparatus.

所以现在许多国家本已吃紧的能源政策又出现了诸多漏洞,我通过其它渠道也获知了些。So many countries now have, you know, quite big holes in already-stressed energy policy, which I've got a few with other means.

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后防大将蒂亚戈席尔瓦受伤让米兰防线更加吃紧,但阿莱格里表示弟媳是否能上场还取决于明天的检查。Thiago Silva sustained a leg injury at the weekend, but Allegri said the defender could feature, but that depends on further tests.

我们认为这种市场环境还将持续6到12个月,然后价格会下降,收益率开始吃紧,他补充说。“We think these market conditions can last another 6 to 12 months before prices will move and yields will start tightening, ” he added.

虽然年内第六次存款准备金缴款的日期已过,但资金面非但没能宽松下来,反而愈发“吃紧”。Although years sixth deposit reserve payment date has passed, but the financing area not only can't loose down, but increasingly "tight".