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你又饥又渴,最终死路一条。You're hungry, thirsty and eventually you'll die.

有人说婚姻是坟墓,踏进去只有死路一条。Why do men have to enter the tomb to the end then?

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没有求胜的欲望,进行任何战争都只能是死路一条。It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.

就我本人而言,所谓“穿出成功”的着装之道根本就是死路一条。As far as I'm concerned, dressing for success is a losing game.

企业若不能参与到尚存论说的群体中,只有死路一条。Companies that do not belong to a community of discourse will die.

如果都是老年了,没有了偿还能力,基本上是死路一条。If the olders, no ability to repay, basically is the way for death.

追随我是一切有感知生物的自由,拒绝则只有死路一条!All sentient beings are free to follow me. Refusal means destruction!

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我要找到你,生吞活剥,总而言之死路一条。I'll seek you out, flay you alive. One more word and you won't survive.

南北回家和米蓝说闹革命,米蓝说那是死路一条。North and south home and said blue revolting, rice said that is a dead end.

对于一个博士或者科学家,每天仅仅工作8个小时根本根本就是死路一条!There is NO way for a scientist or a Ph. Dstudent to work only 8 hours a day!

因为在买方市场的经济时代,不营销只有死路一条。Because of the economic times in buyer's market, not sale has blind lane only.

不管怎么说吧,你都是死路一条。所以,你最好还是把宇航服的面罩给扣严实了!Still, no matter what, you're dead. Best to keep that spacesuit helmet closed.

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对于一个博士或者科学家,每天仅仅工作8个小时根本就是死路一条!There is NO way for a scientist or a Ph. D student to work only 8 hours a day!

在权力的游戏之中,你不当赢家,就只有死路一条,没有中间地带。When you play the game of thrones , you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

在像我们这样的高海拔地区,大部分的小规模电力生产是死路一条。At high latitudes like ours, most small-scale ambient power production is a dead loss.

在权利的游戏中,你不当赢家,就只有死路一条,没有中间地带。————瑟曦。Cersei insisted. "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground. "?

我是雄狮,我是苍鹰,饥即食,渴即饮。除非行动,否则死路一条。When the lion is hungry he eats. When the eagle has thirst he drinks. Lest they act, both will perish.

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说来奇怪,衙役阻止任何人实施救援,受害者像掉入陷阱的老鼠只有死路一条。Strange to say. the police prevented any one going to the rescue and the victims died like rats in a trap.

既然不能为我所用,那就只有死路一条,这个死丫头,绝对留不得。Since don't can is accustomed at me, that only the dead end is a , this dead wench, absolutely stay not get.

有时是死路一条,有时迎面而来的是条光明坦途,在此我们能发现一些真正激动人心的东西。Sometimes they're dead ends. Sometimes they open up into broad avenues and we find something really exciting.