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比利被移送到托管人家,加入了流氓团伙。Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang.

当投书遭留置移送裁决时是否要通知寄信人?Send mail to poster when their posting is held for approval?

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对作为证据使用的扣押物品,应当随案移送。The distraint as evidence shall be transferred with the case.

超声波清洗机全自动完成工件移送、清洗、干燥。Automatically finish the deportation of the workpieces, cleaning, drying,.

随着丰田的问题被移送法庭,该公司可能必须要学会分享。As Toyota's problems move into the courtroom, the company may have to learn to share.

超声波清洗机全自动完成工件移送、清洗、干燥、防锈工艺。Automatically in a completion of the transfer, washing, drying, and rust-proof technology.

我们多次催促,CS芙蓉区法院就是不把案子移送北京。Though we had repeatedly urged, Furong district court did not transfer the case to Beijing.

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超声波清洗机采用多臂移送工件结构,清洗效率高。Adopt the workpiece structure of multi-armed deportation, the cleaning is of high efficiency.

涉嫌犯罪的将依法移送公安机关处理。Suspect transgressive of will move to send a communal security the institution the treating by law.

必须通过诉讼文件移送命令请求法庭审理案件。In most cases, the losing party must petition the Court through a writ of certiorari to hear the case.

教授报告了校警,校警拘捕了翟,并将他移送警方。The professor reported Zhai's tantrum to campus security, who arrested Zhai and sent him to the police.

涉嫌犯罪的要及时移送司法机关追究刑事责任。Cases suspected of constituting a crime shall be transferred to the judicial department for prosecution.

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适用于机床设备及各种产业设备德液体及燃料的移送,润滑油供给等。This pump is used transferring of oil and fuel in industrial machine and lubrication of machine and tools.

本文中选取了若干最有代表性的对抗措施,包括非方便法院原则、案件移送、禁诉命令等。Some typical measures are chosen, such as forum non conveniens, the transfer of case, anti-suit injunction.

古巴当局将这几名舞蹈演员在饭店房间内进行隔离,随后把他们移送至使馆区的一所房子内。The Cuban authorities isolated the dancers in their hotel rooms before moving them to a house in the diplomatic quarter.

依本法所处之罚锾,经限期缴纳,届期不缴纳者,依法移送强制执行。Failure to pay the fines imposed under the Act hereof within the given time limit shall result in compulsory enforcement.

前项为虚伪登记之申请人及登记人员,并应移送该管法院查究其刑责。The applicant and registrant who make false registration mentioned in the proceeding paragraph shall be delivered to courts.

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受移送的药品监督管理部门应当将案件查处结果及时函告移送案件的药品监督管理部门。The DSAD to which the case is transferred to shall notify the transferring department of the result of handling in good time.

奥巴马政府将把坐落于古巴的关塔那摩湾美军监狱的四名囚犯移送到沙特阿拉伯。The Obama administration will transfer four detainees to Saudi Arabia from the U. S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

乔治亚州调查局代表正在赶往将其移送联合州的路上,在那他将被监禁以至接受完预定的听讼。Agents, GBI agents are on the way now to transport him to Union County where he will be held until a hearing will be scheduled.