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在正式的晚餐时,需要说祝词。Toasts are given at formal meals.

不要让他的祝词冲昏你的头脑。Don't let his congratulations go to your head.

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你需要为你的新年祝词作一些准备吗?Do you need to get ready for your New Year speech?

在回家的路上,他问珍妮是否喜欢他的祝词。On the way home, he asked Jenny if she enjoyed the speech.

我希望这个祝词能表达出我对学生们的感情。I hope this message demonstrates my feelings to the students.

我希望这个祝词能表明我们对朋友们的感情。I hope this message demonstrates our feelings to our friends.

他们感到他那过于刻板的祝词缺乏热情。They fell a lack of warmth in his exceeding formal congratulatory speech.

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这些艺术品上的文字多为谚语或一般的祝词。The texts on these objects tend to be either proverbs or general blessings.

你可以在选项窗口的“本地”标签里设置个性化的祝词。You can personalize this greeting in the Local tab of the preferences window.

英国前首相布莱尔也为演唱会录制了一段视频祝词。Ex-British prime minister Tony Blair was among those who recorded a video greeting.

于是,他请人把自己真人大小的纸板像送到了婚礼的现场,还有事先录好的婚礼祝词。So he sent a life-size cardboard cutout of himself, as well as a prerecorded speech.

最近,杰里米的一个最亲密的朋友请他一个婚礼上祝词。Recently, one of Jeremy's closest friends asked him to make a speech wedding reception.

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情感的高点来自哈维打断继父的祝酒,作出了自己的祝词。The emotional high point comes when Harvey interrupts the toasts to make a toast himself.

最近,杰里米的一个最密的朋友请他在一个婚礼上祝词。Recently,one of Jeremy's closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception.

要改变它,可以点击“定制”,然后输入你想用的祝词。To change this click the check box for “Custom” and then enter the greeting you want to use.

最近,杰里米的一个最亲密的朋友请他在一个婚礼上祝词。Recently, one of Jeremy's closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception.

在回家的路上,他问珍妮是否喜欢他的祝词。使他吃惊的是,她说她不喜欢。On the way home, he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech. To his surprise, she said she hadn't.

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他的祝词里面加进了大量逗人的故事,自然大获成功。he had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success.

他出现在屏幕上时,他的祝词引起现场一阵嘘声,但当他向威廉和哈里王子表示称赞时,观众发出了欢呼声。His message was booed as he appeared on screen, but the crowd cheered when he paid tribute to William and Harry.

灯酒相辉,芳雅相应,祝词笑声此起彼伏,芸芸皆劳碌于握手。Light vied with wine, elegance mixed with fragrance, laughing covered by greetings, the crowd was busy at handshaking.