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最后不能不提一下喀拉喀托火山岛。Finally consider the island of Krakatoa.

岛群由火山岛和珊瑚礁组成。Island group from the volcanic island and cays.

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是若干年前火山喷发型成的火山岛。The island was formed by volcanic eruption at a long time ago.

各岛是从洋底巨大裂隙喷发形成的火山岛。The island is huge fissure eruption of adjacent formation volcanic island.

他看到海中的火山岛,就会对那里生物的由来感到好奇。He saw volcanic islands in the sea, and wondered how living things had got there.

贝劳太平洋西部加罗林群岛中的一组火山岛和小岛。A group of volcanic islands and islets in the Caroline Islands of the western Pacific Ocean.

科学家对79只来自比奥科这座距离非洲西部19英里的火山岛上的猴子进行了实验。Scientists tested 79 monkeys from Bioko, a volcanic island 19 miles off the West African coast.

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夏威夷由一连串火山岛组成,是横亘太平洋的一系列大岛的一部分。Hawaii is a chain of volcanic islands, part of a great chain of islands which stretch across the Pacific.

冰岛是一座火山岛,全境遍布火山,海底火山更是星罗棋布。Iceland is an island of volcanoes spreading right across its landscape and even extending beneath the sea.

亚速尔群岛是火山岛,地势崎岖,森林茂密,湖多水清,地热资源丰富。Azores is a volcanic island, rugged terrain, dense forests, lakes and more clear water, rich in geothermal resources.

夏威夷州位于北太平洋,全是火山岛,是唯一的一个全由岛屿构成的州。Hawaii is located in the north Pacific, whole is a volcanic island, is the only one complete by islands constitute state.

利尻岛大约9英里宽,是个近乎圆形的火山岛,圆得小孩子也画得出来。Rishiri is about as perfect around volcanic island, perhaps nine miles across, as it is possible for aschoolchild to draw.

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是一座火山岛,距冰岛南部海岸约32公里,是1963年至1967年的火山喷发形成的一座新岛屿。Surtsey is a volcano island generated by the volcanos during 1963 to 1967, 32 kilometres off the southern coast of Iceland.

它已经很难看到像冰岛附近的火山岛,纳米比亚的岩石画以及悉尼歌剧院这样的古迹群了。Already it's hard to see what unites, say, a volcanic island off Iceland, Namibian rock paintings, and the Sydney Opera House.

这个位于印度尼西亚爪哇海岸外的火山岛是现代最大的陆地喷发记录地区。This island volcano, located off the coast of Java in Indonesia is the largest recorded terrestrial explosion in recent times.

达尔文乘坐小猎犬号勘察船,在去另一个遥远的火山岛-圣赫勒拿岛途中造访了阿森松岛,当时并没有多大期望能发现什么。Aboard HMS Beagle, he called in at Ascension. En route from another remote volcanic island, St Helena, Darwin wasn't expecting much.

澳大利亚的一个火山岛,位于悉尼市东北偏东塔斯曼海中。1788年由英国人发现,1834年开始有人定居。A volcanic island of Australia in the Tasman Sea east-northeast of Sydney. Discovered by the British in 1788, it was settled in 1834.

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这种骤然开始的现象若是发生在火山岛的侧翼,就会让人担心发生灾难性边坡崩坍的可能性。That sudden beginning, when it takes place on the slopes of a volcanic island, creates concern about a possible catastrophic flank event.

太平洋南部一火山岛,位于法属波利尼西亚的马克萨斯群岛的东南部。画家高更埋葬在这里。A volcanic island of the southern Pacific Ocean in the southeast Marquesas Islands of French Polynesia. The painter Gauguin is buried here.

巴布亚新几内亚的一个火山岛,位于太平洋西南部的所罗门群岛中。7'8年由路易斯·德·布加因维尔发现。A volcanic island of Papua New Guinea in the Solomon Islands of the southwest Pacific Ocean. It was discovered by Louis de Bougainville in 7'8.