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我骑着脚踏车上山。I pedaled my bicycle up.

他和她一同骑马上山。He and she dinked up the hill.

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他们试图引水上山。They try to conduct water uphill.

我们开辟出上山的路。We hewed out path up the mountain.

一些人还会带上山萸。Some will carry a spray of dogwood.

火车轰隆隆地爬上山去。The train went chugging up the hill.

她踩着自行车上山。She pedalled the bicycle up the hill.

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这么说你和山羊一起上山玩的很高兴了?So you enjoyed being out with the goats?

不耍奔跑上山或下山。Don't rush or run uphills. and downhills.

在上山的半路上,发动机熄火了。Halfway up the hill,the engine pooped out.

他慢悠悠地骑着自行车上山。He pedaled his bicycle slowly up the hill.

她爬上山后累得气也喘不过来了。She had no puff left after climbing the hill.

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擒龙要下海,打虎要上山。To catch the dragon tiger mountain to the sea.

在顶上山,凝视进天堂。Atop the mountains that, into the heavens gaze.

你上山多砍一些柴薪来。Go to the mountain, and bring back more firewood.

上山刨的地,当地人叫“海地”。Plane of the mountain, the locals called "Haiti."

爬上山后,我几乎走不动了。I could hardly walk after I climbed up the mountain.

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匣子上山一行,为赵英雄带来了麻烦。The Box Hill line, causing trouble for Zhao Yingxiong.

而无鞭母竹不能上山造林。Non-rhizomes mother bamboo can't be used for forestation.

跑步上山时,汗珠从我的脸上滴下来。The beads of sweat drip off my face as I run up the hill.