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传统的报纸传媒如何取长补短、创新发展?How are the traditional newspaper innovated and developed?

不盲从是取长补短,择善而从。Is not blind obedience is each other, and accepting good advice.

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跟游客交流,发现自己的不足,取长补短。Exchanges with tourists, they found that their lack of each other.

所以我希望他俩能命相帮助,取长补短。Therefore, I hope they could help each other and learn from each other.

这是一种非常好的翻译训练方法,也是很好的相互学习,取长补短的方法。This is a good interpreting training method and is good for studying from one another.

他希望中美电影制作人能够相互取长补短。He expressed hope that Chinese and American filmmakers will be able to learn from each other.

二是有利于取长补短,提高生存技能。Secondly, it is to help make up each other's deficiencies and improve subsistence capability.

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同时,我们认为加强国际合作与交流至关重要,它有利于取长补短,互相借鉴成功的经验和做法,也有利于增进互信。Meanwhile, we believe it's vitally important to boost international cooperation and exchanges.

如果能够正确地取长补短,就会促进其理论水平与临床疗效的共同提高。If we can make use of the advantages rightly, we can improve both theory level and clinical effects.

我希望我们相互学习,取长补短,共同进步,相信自己吧,我亲爱的朋友们!I hope we learn from each other, learn from each other, common progress, I believe myself, my dear friends!

本文在详细研究国内外纸币分捡器设计思路的基础上,取长补短。This dissertation is based on detailed study the design methods of banknotes sorter in domestic and foreign.

在研究的方法上两大翻译系统应取长补短、相得益彰,在研究的范畴上营造出一个多元共存的和谐局面。They should draw on each other's merits and create a climate of harmony and cooperation for translation studies.

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只有这样,才能不断促进各国和地区取长补短、和谐和睦。By doing so, different countries and regions can draw on each other's strengths and coexist in peace and harmony.

全美女性研究协会认为,男性和女性两种投资风格的取长补短可能带来市场的更稳定。The NCRW argues that a better mix of male and female investment styles would lead to greater stability on markets.

真正的合作意味着在相互取长补短,彼此接纳欣赏的过程中携手共进。True cooperation means common progress in the course of learning from each other and appreciating from each other.

作为中国人,从西方面子观中取长补短、求同存异是十分必要的。As a Chinese, it is necessary to seek common points and use the advantages of the western countries in face perception.

面交流以上话题,以便我们更好的对比教育,取长补短,一切为了孩子!Communication over the topic, so that we can better comparative education, learn from each other, all for the children!

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他们决定为“飞跃”取长补短,加入新的元素,从而让它再获殊荣。They decide to join forces and share complementary knowledge to allow Feiyue to regain its fame and re-launch the model.

只要我们取长补短、互通有无,就完全可以成为长期、稳定的经贸合作伙伴。As long as we learn from each other and enhance exchange, we can establish a long-term stable economic and trade partnership.

该设备是参考了欧洲高速星绞设备的技术特点,取长补短,专门为内屏蔽铁路数字信号电缆而设计的。The equipment has adopted the merits of Europen high speed star quadding equipment and compensated our original deficiencies.