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四是人文历史荟萃。Fourth, meta-human history.

可视人文规划?。VHP? Visible Human Project?

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澧县历史悠久,人文古远。Lixian County has a long history.

现代人文精神应当怎样?How should be modern humane spirit?

同时,它又包含着一种新的人文精神。However, It contains a new spirit of humanism.

但在现实生活中反人文的现象却屡见不鲜。But it's common to see anti-humanity in reality.

伦敦是人文荟萃之区。London was the biggest aggregation of human life.

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人文合一,美化环境。Integrate human and culture, beautify environment.

陇南有独特的自然景观和人文景观。Longnan has unique natural and man-made landscape.

身临人文境界,成就未来!Body near one kind of boundary, achievement future!

楚雄州有丰富的自然资源和人文景观。Chuxiong state has rich natural and human landscape.

是的,我们有这样教师在人文大学!Yes we have such faculty in Humanitarian University!

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展示了昌宁的山水田园风光及人文风貌。Changning shows pastoral scenery and human landscape.

我为Vibes写了一个关于人文医学的文章。I wrote an article about medical humanities for Vibes.

粉丝小说在华语世界里的对应物是同人文。The equivalent of fan fiction in Chinese is doujinshi.

本课题基本介绍了培英的环境,生活和人文。This task introduce the enviroment , life and culture.

古崖居,一个千古之谜的人文古迹。Guyaju, an thousand year mystery of the human heritage.

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数字图书馆人文精神的核心和归宿点是人文关怀。The core of humanistic spirit is the humanistic concern.

人文底蕴的内核是人文价值,是美。Human value is the combination of science and humanities.

道,关注这条古老文明之路上的自然风光和人文风情。Trends Journey-Back to the Ancient Path of Tea and Horse.