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但是现在起将会备受瞩目。It will now.

九龙壁也是令世人所瞩目的。Nine Dragon Wall is the world's attention.

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这两本书共同聚焦于这一广受瞩目的话题。Two books focus on this fascinating subject.

真是要得!他总是众所瞩目的超级明星。Attaboy! He's always a superstar in the spotlight.

不仅仅爱尔兰成为众所瞩目的焦点,希腊也站在了聚光灯下。Not only is Ireland in focus, but so too is Greece.

奥巴马和李可以提高世界对朝鲜人权问题的瞩目。Obama and Lee can raise the profile on human rights.

他们每一年都完成着瞩目的成果。They achieve spectacular results one year at a time.

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现在,这家台湾的谷歌手机制造商被放到了聚光灯下,成为大众和媒体所瞩目的焦点。Now the Taiwanese Google-phone maker is in the spotlight.

转捩点是发生在2003的两件不甚受瞩目的事件。The turnaround began with two little-noted events in 2003.

锡卡超高速公路是现今最备受瞩目的项目。The highest profile project is the Thika Road superhighway.

基督教加尔文主义拥有瞩目的产业文化。Calvinist Christianity has a culture of phenomenal industry.

美国奥斯卡大奖是世界瞩目的电影盛事。The Oscars is one of the most glamorous events in the world.

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那位成功的商人一直受到公从的瞩目。The successful businessman has always been in the limelight.

奥巴马万众瞩目,在肤色上和“其他方面”不像欧萨玛。Not unlike Osama in complexion and "otherness", Obama dazzles.

宇航员景海鹏说,中国将令世界瞩目。Astronaut Jing Haipeng said China is ready to impress the world.

现在他与罗伯特·帕丁森共同分享红毯上的瞩目。Now he's sharing the red carpet spotlight with Robert Pattinson.

然而在今年,奥沙利文自己却是众人瞩目的焦点。But this year, O’Sullivan is himself the focus of most attention.

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梭哈尔担心有些相当受瞩目的研究会造成误导。Sohal worries that some of the most touted studies are misleading.

前不久,大连还获得全球瞩目的“2009国际花园城市”荣誉称号。Lately, Dalian has won the title of 2009 International Garden City.

这些年,温弗瑞使芝加哥成为全国瞩目焦点。Over the years, Winfrey placed Chicago into the national spotlight.