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这种事例,我也曾经遇到数例。I have met several such cases.

擦,抹,揩擦的行为或事例。The act or an instance of wiping.

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退步的行为或事例,如。The act or an instance of lapsing, as.

不能从几个事例中得出一般性概念。One cannot generalize from a few examples.

诸如此类的事例俯拾皆是。Instances such as these are extremely common.

乌干达肉品训练班的成功事例Success stories from Uganda Meat Training courses

卡夫认为所有的三个事例都不属实。Carver thinks all three of these examples are bunk.

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还有一个赞比亚铜矿的事例。Or there’s the example of the Zambian copper mines.

有些事例就可以说明细胞发生的变化That changes a cell and here's some examples of it.

他们提到了煤气中毒的一个具体事例。They spoke of one particular case of gas-poisoning.

哦,最好的事情是成功的事例。Oh, the best thing is the success stories, you know.

待人处事的典型事例之一。Typical examples of doing things, one treats others.

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好的,我们想暂时放下这个争论,让我们来看过事例。Ok, now , we can do pend this argument at this moment.

已经有两个事例了,其他人有这样的经历吗?So two data-points already. Anyone has any experience?

在上述事例中,科技的作用显而易见。In each of these instances, the technology is impressive.

这是典型的英国沙文主义和偏狭心理的事例。It was a typical case of British chauvinism and insularity.

在我后续的文章中,将会给出一些事例和证据。I'll give some examples and evidence for this in my next essay.

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其次,基于事例推理系统的核心是推理机。Secondly, the core of case-based reasoning is reference engine.

但让我们看看下面的事例就会明白,这与真相还差的很远。This could not be farther from the truth, as we will see below.

赫门伍库斯是一位精神科医生,同时也是退伍军人事例的专家。Herman Vukusic, is a psychiatrist and an expert on veteran cases.