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方法三,热水袋可温暖身体。Method 3 Reshuidai can warm the body.

用个热水袋你就会觉得暖和些了。A hot water bottle will make you feel cosier.

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她还叫妈妈给她拿一个热水袋呢!She even asked Mum to get her a hot water bottle!

可以放一个热水袋或水樽到女孩的下腹部或腰部。Hot pad or water bottle place to lower abdominal region or lower back.

它的皮肤摸起来坚韧有弹性,像一只老式的热水袋的表面。Its skin felt rubbery and firm like an old fashioned hot water bottle.

使用暖床毯和热水袋可减轻低体温。The use of warming blankets and fluid warmers has been proven beneficial.

我把你的热水袋放在床脚头还是床当中?Shall I put your hot-water bottle at the foot of your bed, or in the middle?

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在你双脚之间放一只热水袋或者穿一双滑雪袜子睡觉。Tuck a hot-water bottle between your feet or wear a pair of ski socks to bed.

睡前用热水袋或热的湿毛巾热敷膝盖半个小时。Before bed, put heating pads or warm wet towels on your knees for half an hour.

有利于组织新陈代谢,切记不要让热水袋直接接触皮肤。Remember don't contact with skin directly. In those days, I lived at BeiXinCang.

许多也帮助镇痛的冰袋或热水袋适用于后面。An ice bag or hot water bottle applied to the back many also help to ease the pain.

穿上袜子或在床上铺上温热装置,用热水瓶或热水袋。Put on socks or a warmer layer on the bed. Fill a hot water bottle or microwave a wheat-bag.

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另外,其间可以用热水袋或喝些生姜、红糖茶等暂时缓解疼痛。She can also use a pouch of hot water or drink ginger tea and brown sugar to alleviate the pain.

赏雪最好备有登山鞋、透气的防寒衣物、热水袋、太阳眼镜及润肤油。Shangxue with the best hiking shoes, breathable clothing and the cold, Reshui Dai, sunglasses and emollient oil.

如果您的热水袋带有面料外套,该外套可以根据商标上所附的说明加以脱卸及清洗。If you have bought a Hot Water Bottle with a fabric cover, this can be removed and washed according to the instructions on the label.

我往常每天早晨都往腿上抹瘦身霜。又用热水袋热敷。也不知好不好使。自己帮帮助吧!I always wipe every morning on his leg slimming cream. and with the hot water bottle. also I do not know good or not so. your help help it!

冬天是热水袋显身手的时候,但只用热水袋作为单纯的取暖设备的话,就有点大材小用了。Winter is the time for hot water bag to show its paces, but if hot water bag is only used for heating, it would be a large material for petty use.

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一种用于通电恒温加热,冬季取暖的电子热水袋,属于实用电子产品类。The utility model relates to an electronic hot-water bag used for heating in winter and constant temperature heating when the power is switched on, belonging to the practical electronic products.

很多年里,我的中国男友用无数细小的温柔培育着我们的爱情,比如在寒冷的日子他会骑车去买热水袋,只为了让我在冰冷的图书馆里时可以取暖。For years, my Chinese boyfriend nurtured our love with his countless small tenderness, like biking out on a cold day to buy a hot water bottle that kept me warm when I studied in the cold library.

这种电热水袋可广泛替代旧式热水袋,不必再装热倒凉,减少了麻烦,也避免灌装热水时烫伤手。The utility model can replace the old type hot-water bag widely without filling hot water and pouring cool water for reducing trouble and avoiding hand scald in the processes of filling the hot water.