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大多数人的手机就像是他们的义肢。Most people's cell phones are prosthetics.

我们给他买了一个轻便的义肢,非常适合他。We bought him a light prosthesis that fit well.

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他的小组正准备在猴子身上试验这种义肢。His group is about to begin trials in monkeys using this arm.

过氧化氢提供的能量可以支持义肢18个小时的正常使用。Hydrogen peroxide powers the arm for 18 hours of normal activity.

但她靠义肢学会了走路,骑自行车,游泳,还有各种运动。She learned to walk, bike, swim and play sports using prosthetics.

是维维安自己动手摘下义肢呢,抑或是他从旁协助?Would Vivian unstrap her synthetic leg alone, or would he help her?

包括健康促进官员、义肢矫形师或修复学家。It includes Health Promotion Officers and Orthotists or Prosthetists.

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义肢应用中的一个挑战就是它们操纵起来很难。One challenge of prosthetic limbs is that they're difficult to monitor.

“等到你的义肢装好后,你也会走得比较轻松的,”他说。“You’ll have an easier time when you get fitted for your prosthesis, ” he said.

手术后,贾尼丝安装了左腿义肢和人工骨盆,奇迹般存活了下来。She survived and was reassembled with a prosthetic left leg and an artificial pelvis.

我转过身,看见戴维斯从走道上迎面而来,他自制的义肢踩在地面上,发出金属敲击瓷砖的声响。I turn to see Davis walking down the hall, his self-made peg leg clacking, steel on tile.

义肢师父比尔说,义肢都是为每个人量身订做的。Prosthestist, Bill Dykes says each of these prostheses are individually made for each patient.

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但她还是要借着有缺陷的义肢蹒跚而行,每次活动都会让她剧烈疼痛好多天。But she still hobbled on an imperfect prosthesis, and each activity left her in agony for days.

他们有更加多的信息来源,让他们了解什么是义肢。They have so much more access to information and to learn about what prosthetics are out there.

虽然兽医们没能保住他的腿,但他们给他装了一只适合大象的义肢。Though veterinarians couldn't save his foot, they were able to fit him with a pachyderm-sized prosthetic.

在大学里,他学的是物理,他认为物理可以提供他设计义肢的基础。He studied physics at university, on the basis that it would provide a good foundation for designing prostheses.

以总数来说,前臂截肢患者毕竟仍是少数,所以义肢市场非常难打入。Still, in absolute terms, the number of upper-limb amputees is small, and the prosthetics market is hard to crack.

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格拉博夫斯基与她的同事研究了6名截去一条腿的优秀短跑运动员如何使用他们的义肢跑步。Grabowski and her colleagues examined how six elite sprinters, each with one amputated leg, ran with their prostheses.

卧肚得阿谁女孩,一个好战士,不要对她太严酷了。当政府剥离战士们义肢的时涸冬他们中没有一个会好受。I remember her- a good soldier. Don't be too harder on her. Nobody had it easy when the government shut down bionics down.

他们发现,决定一个运动员的最高速度的限制因素是他们的脚或义肢的蹬地力量。They found that the limiting factor determining an athlete's top speed was how hard the foot or prosthesis hit the ground.