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不要用明火直接烧用。Do not use direct fire with fire.

不要使用蜡烛或任何明火。Don't use candles or any open flames.

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在明火附近安全吗?Is it safe anywhere near a naked flame?

不要给空容器加压,不要放在明火或热源附近。Do not pressurize or expose to open flame or heat.

车间内严禁吸烟和用明火作业。No smoking and using fire directly in the workshop.

一位母亲搅动着明火上大盘子里煮着的肉丸,她的背后用色彩鲜艳的布巾系着一个宝宝。A baby in a brightly coloured sling clung to her back.

可能是遇到了明火,到了10时许,放置煤气瓶的地点突然起了火。At 10 o'clock there was a fire in the location of the gas-gar.

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与明火拔罐具有同样治疗效果。It has the same therapy effects as the cupping with open fire.

钻台上不能用任何明火用具取热或解冻。Do not use open-flame vessels for heating or thawing on the rig floor.

阻燃,遇明火不燃烧,贮运、使用安全。Flame retardant , case of fire is not burning, storage and use safely.

明火调制使用一个附上的仓,类似于烟熏。Fire curing uses an enclosed barn similar to that used for flue-curing.

然后用胡椒粉盐料酒腌20分钟后取出,置明火沙锅内烤至断生即成。Steep in pepper , salt and wine for 20 minutes , roast on an open fire.

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禁止使用明火加温或在密闭状态下熔解漆料。Prohibit using a direct fire or liquating paint under airtight condition.

不要吸烟,不要划火柴,不要使用灯笼或火把等明火。Do not smoke, strike matches or carry open flames such as lanterns or torches.

港监,因为我舟白勺栏杆损坏了,我需要在本港入行明火功课。Harbor master, my vessel's handrail was broken, so I need to weld it at the port.

制样过程释放的可燃性溶剂蒸汽是明火或爆炸的危险源。Flammable vapours released during manufacture present a risk of fire or explosion.

不要把易燃爆的东西带到有明火的公众场合。Don't take combustible and explosive goods to public places where there are naked flames.

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在任何储存和操作液氧的区域,严禁吸烟或明火。Do not permit smoking or open flames in any areas where liquid oxygen is stored or handled.

在任何储存和操作液氢的区域,严禁吸烟或明火。Do not permit smoking or open flames in any area where liquid hydrogen is stored or handled.

我能吃在明火上烧熟的猪肝,而这猪肝还冒着热气,从刚宰死的猪身上切下来的。I can eat pork liver cooked over the open fire minutes after it comes steaming from the hog.