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两国和平共处。Two countries coexist in peace.

我和我的税务官和平共处很久了。I had long ago made my peace with the tax man.

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他当时说,“黑人和白人在这里可以和平共处,我们必须这样,要么就是种族战争。”Blacks and whites can coexist here. We must—or else.

博斯科普人曾与我们的智人祖先和平共处。The Boskops coexisted with our Homo sapiens forebears.

协同可以等同于跟自己和平共处。Synergy can be equated to being at peace within oneself.

多尔国的人们和耗子们和平共处。And the people of Dor lived side by side with their rats.

在尼泊尔一些地方,猕猴和人类和平共处,生活在一起。Macaques live in close quarters with people in parts of Nepal.

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这类型的人也能跟我们和平共处,表现的很酷,只是有点太酷了。These people are cool with us, too — just maybe a little too cool.

世界上只应该有和平共处,而非其他方式。There is no excuse to live in anything but a peaceful co-existence.

然而,风能的拥护者坚称,游客与发电机可以和平共处。Yet advocates of wind insist that tourists and turbines can go together.

卜拉欣在曼苏尔的街区曾经混住着孙尼派和什叶派,大家和平共处,相安无事。Brahim's block in Mansour was once a comfortable mix of Sunni and Shiite.

人们相信人们和平共处时,岛会成为天堂。It is believed that the islands can de a paradise when people live in peace.

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两国达成了一项和平共处的多边协议。There is a multilateral agreement to keep the peace between the two countries.

在克罗诺茨基河畔,驼鹿,驯鹿还有棕熊这三种动物和平共处。On the islands of the Kronotsky river, wild reindeer and moose coexist with bears.

为什么意见相左的人就不能在同一屋檐下和平共处呢?Why can’t people with opposing opinions peacefully coexist in the same environment?

当你被吊在绞架上成为乌鸦的食物时,我们就可以和平共处。When you hang from a gibbet for the sport of your own crows. Then We shall have peace!

我们奉行宽容肯定不仅仅是和平共处,尽管这是至关重要的。Our practice of tolerance must mean more than peaceful coexistence, crucial as that is.

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一间哥斯大黎加旅馆尝试让客人与当地猫科动物和平共处。And a Costa Rica hotel is making peace between its guests and the local feline residents.

和平共处五项基本原则是国权得以实现的外部条件。The five principles of peaceful coexistence are the external conditions of national right.

在这里,亚洲黑鹿与土生白尾鹿和新引入的红狼和平共处着。Here, Asian sambar deer co-exist with native white-tailed deer and reintroduced red wolves.