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我喜欢戏子。I love actors.

一个戏子参与了这一切。A mummer playing a part.

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所以我注定了也是一个戏子。So I'm fated to be an actor.

一部好片啊,丫想了解戏子的话。It's a great movie if you want to know about actors.

“戏子”就是传统上对演员的鄙称。"Opera jokery" is a traditional derogatory term for actors.

我们都是戏子只会为别人的故事流泪。We are all actresses, Will only for other people's stories cry.

一场戏,我只是个戏子,谁愿意我成为她永远的女人呢?A play, I only am an actor, who wants me to become her forever woman?

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小影说,我们每个人都是影子的戏子,影子又是以为抒情诗人。Love said, everyone of us is the shadow drama, shadow is thought Lyric poet.

我只是一个戏子,活在别人的故事里,流着自己的眼泪。I'm just an entertainer, living in someone else's story, with tears in my eyes.

戏子,为何入戏太深,忘了台上台下,眼里看不尽的凄迷。Actor, why too deep into the drama, forget the stage below the eyes, endless sadness.

往事如烟,烟消云散,戏子卸妆,洗尽铅华,依旧是两个人生。The past disappear in smoke, actor, makeup, wash plumbic China, still is the two life.

他哭泣他歌唱,是魔鬼,是神明,是绝世的戏子,声情并茂-他是路鸣泽。He crys . He sings. Is devil. Is god. Is peerless actor, song with deep feeling ——he is Lumingze.

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如果我只是一个戏子,那也请让我在这人生无尽的戏曲里爱上你来!If I just a drama son, that also please let me be in love with you in endless drama in this life to!

我只是一个戏子,演一场落寞的悲剧,涂上胭脂,活在戏中。I'm just an entertainer, playing a lonely tragedy, with rouge painting on the cheek, live in the drama.

能在一言半语之间放进那么多意思那么多感情的,必然是高明的戏子。Can I put so much so much emotion in the meaning of a word or two between the inevitable is a good actor.

他自己的父亲在他三岁时把他卖给了奴隶贩子,但当他长大后成为一个有名的戏子后,他让赎身自由了。His own father sold him to a slaver when he was three, but he grew up to be such a famous mummer that he bought his freedom.

我父亲就极为不高兴,说章家里不出戏子,你要是想演戏就不要进章家门。My father extremely was not happy, says in a chapter of family not to have the actor, if you wanted to act in a play do not enter a chapter of main house gate.

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在19923年,张因为在陈凯歌导的霸王别姬里扮演个在京剧里扮演女性角色的戏子而受到国际的好评和认可。In 1993, Cheung earned international acclaim and recognition for his performance as an opera star specializing in female roles in Chen Kaige's drama Farewell, My Concubine.

我看到皇家世系中断原来是因为出了这么些仆人、佣人、走卒、车夫、赌棍、琴师、戏子、军人和扒手,对以上种种也就一点不觉得奇怪了。Neither could I wonder at all this, when I saw such an interruption of lineages, by pages, lackeys, valets, coachmen, gamesters, fiddlers , players, captains, and pickpockets.

没有人知道之后这个男人从青年变成中年人中间到底经历了什么,总之“做戏子”这个极其形象的词汇在眼前这个身形佝偻、嗫嗫嚅嚅的中年人身上已经荡然无存。Nobody knew what this man had gone through when he was turning into a middle-aged man, not a single thing on this bent, murmuring man today could remotely reminded us of the term "fashion victim."