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光导摄像管摄像系统?。VCS? Vidicon Camera System?

硅靶摄像管的光谱特性延伸至红外区域。The Spectral response of a Si-vidicon extends to infrared region.

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每一个光点都由摄像管转换成电子信号。Each dot of light is translated by the camera tube into all electronic signal.

他于1923年申请了一项相同的、用于传输电子数据的摄像管专利权。He made a patent application in 1923 for the same kind of tube for transmitting electronic data.

作为导电电极材料ITO透明薄膜被广泛应用于摄像管、场致发射板、等离子体显示及液晶显示器件中。As a conductive material the transparent ITO thin film is used in a variety of the electric display devices.

本文研究了高分辨率SS型摄像管伪信号产生的原因。Contributing factor on pseudo-signal of high resolution SS type camera tubes with pattern Yokes is studied in this paper.

本文给出了一种精确测量摄像管惰性的方法—“窗口法”的原理及实现方案。This paper presents principle and implementation way of "window method", which is onc to measure precisely inertia of pickup tube.

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文中特别对CCD摄像器件、超高灵敏度摄像管以及数字化摄像机的原理和性能给予了较详细的介绍。The principle and function of CCD pickup device, Super-HARP pickup tube and digital TV camera is presented in detail in this paper.

文中计算公式对于计算机辅助设计摄像管聚焦磁场是适用和方便的。The calculating formulas in the paper are available and convenient for computer aided design of focusing magnetic field of camera tube.

这个方法的局限性在引进诸如氧化铅光导管摄像管,超正析象和光导摄像管之类的探测器之后变得很明显。The limitations of this scheme became quite apparent with the introduction of detectors such as the plumbicon, image orthicon and vidicon.

对于光电倍增管,电视摄像管之类的电子探测器,噪声则表现为输出电流的随机起伏。In electronic detectors such as photomultipliers and television tubes, noise manifests itself as random fluctuations in the output current.

本文给出了一种精确测量摄像管靶面惰性的方法——“窗口法”的原理及实现方案。This paper presents a principle and implementation way of "Window method", which is one to measure precisely target's inertia of pickup tube.