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你们把名签放到小提箱上了吗?。Have you put name tags on your suitcases yet?

确实用缩写名签武器损坏固定的闪电暴怒。Fixed Lightning Fury to do initial weapon damage.

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确实用缩写名签武器损坏固定的灾害标枪。Fixed Plague Javelin to do initial weapon damage.

确实用缩写名签武器损坏固定的毒药标枪。Fixed Poison Javelin to do initial weapon damage.

是的,我们已经把名签入到了小提箱上。Yes, we've already put name tags on our suitcases.

顺便说一下,请您务必把您的名签贴到行李上。By the way , please be sure of your name tag on the cases.

他穿着长长的蓝色工作服,上面有一个名签儿,名签上写着“兰迪”。He wore long blue overalls with a nametag that read " Randy ."

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晚宴已准备好了,请大家找到自己的名签就座。The dinner is ready. Please find your name card and take your seat.

他的劳动力中包括五千名签了卖身契的中国工人,人称“苦力”,与奴隶只差一小步而已。Hisworkforce included 5, 000 indentured Chinese workers known as coolies, one stepshy of slaves.

它已经成为我们服务和平的名签,得到世界各国包括中国的大力支持。The United Nations Peacekeeping Operations are well known – they have become our signature service for peace, with contributions from countries around the world, including China.