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你英武的名字应传颂。Your mighty names shall sound.

克南的事迹被传颂。The story about Kernan was sounded.

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荷兰人一直都传颂着圣尼古拉的传说。The Dutch kept the legend of St. Nicholas alive.

他的故事也不会被后世所传颂His memory would not be carried forward into the future.

教堂的钟声洪亮地传颂着圣诞快乐的信息。The church bells are pealing the message of Christmas joy.

约翰·济慈的颂诗诞生以来一直广为传颂,经久不衰。Keats's odes have been popular ever since their appearance.

骄傲、爱,以及对牛的依附,在歌里得到传颂。Pride, love and attachment to cattle was all celebrated in song.

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能让一方百姓永久传颂和怀念的!Can let what eulogize and yearn for one party common people is permanent!

在她的空闲时间传颂滋味有空闲时间。In her spare time she reminisces about what it was like to have spare time.

他的作品在中国广为传颂,影响了许多中国诗人。His works have been widely read in China with influence on many Chinese poets.

他以多个化名环游世界,他的冒险也在巴黎传颂一时。He travels the world using a number of names and his adventures are the talk of Paris.

他们的英雄业绩必将受到阜平人民世世代代的怀念和传颂。Their heroic deeds will be remembered from generation to generation Fuping people and famous.

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在亚瑟王和他的圆桌骑士的传说中,一个经久传颂的故事便是寻找圣杯。In the tales of King Arthur and his knights, one recurring story is the quest for the Holy Grail.

其“墨海中立定精神”的主旨被后人广为传颂。Their "standing in the spirit of Mexico" was the main thrust of future generations widely famous.

连日来,黄福荣舍身救人的事迹在香港和内地广为传颂。In recent days, Huangfu Rong heroes of the story in Hong Kong and the Mainland to be widely spread.

后来第94飞行中队成为了当时让人传颂的“空战精英”,,这是历史上最成功的战斗部队之一。Thee 94th squadron became an airborne juggernaut, one of the most successful fighting units in history.

但他的歌词传颂了一种任何地方、任何人都会喜欢的和平、幸福的理念,不管那地方下不下雪。But his song celebrates an idea of peace and happiness that anyone, anywhere -- snowy or not -- can enjoy.

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他对敌人宽大,对朋友慷慨。只要豪侠的品质受到尊崇,他便会一直为人传颂。His magnanimity to foes, his generosity to friends will be talked of as LONG. as manly qualities are honored.

他的“知识与美德”,他的“问答法”,他的审判,广为世人所传颂。His"Knowledge and Virtue", his"Questions and Answers" and his trial have been disseminated all over the world.

我们的湖至少应该用伊卡洛斯海这样的真正的名字,在那里,“海上的涛声依然传颂着一次勇敢的尝试”呢。Let our lakes receive as true names at least as the Icarian Sea, where "still the shore" a "brave attempt resounds.