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这种鸵鸟政策受到嘲笑。This ostrich policy was brought into derision.

总统和第一夫人采取鸵鸟政策,躲在卧室里不出来。President and First Lady adopts the ostrich policy, hides does not come out in the bedroom.

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制造业和服务业都惨遭金融业鸵鸟政策的毒害。Both manufacturing and services suffer from head-in-the-sand attitudes in the finance industry.

许多欧洲国家认为不应该对中国采取视而不见的鸵鸟政策。Therefore, many European countries feel the EU should not adopt an ostrich policy toward China.

贾斯汀可能是辉煌的,华丽,性感,但他坚定地看,但是鸵鸟政策触摸领域植入。Justin might be brilliant, gorgeous and sexy, but he's firmly implanted in the look-but-don't-touch realm.

尽管记者们清楚知道鸵鸟政策是为了迎合当局者,他们还是不喜欢这样。Although reporters know that the ostrich policy is aimed at appeasing the authorities, they still don’t like it.

决不能再有鸵鸟政策,不再觉得令人难堪,不能再躲藏到冷漠的面纱之后。There must be no more sticking heads in the sand, no more embarrassment, no more hiding behind a veil of apathy.

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几个月来,他一直怀疑自己的儿子在吸毒,但他却采取鸵鸟政策,拒绝承认现实。He had suspected for some months that his son was taking drugs, but he had buried his head in the sand and refused to admit it, even to himself.

无论是个人,地方还是我们整个国家,都必须适应这些现实,不能奉行鸵鸟政策,整天把脑袋藏在沙子里,我们要更加努力、更加智慧地创造我们新的未来。Individuals, states and our nation must adapt to these new realities, stop sticking our heads in the sand, and work harder and smarter to create our new future.

这种无视现实的鸵鸟政策,规定把节欲作为年轻人性教育的唯一方式,把他们推向了危险的境地。The head-in-the-sand philosophy that dictates abstinence-only as the sole type of sex education available to our young people is a dangerous stand that is putting them at risk.

一些人抱怨说,韩国政府的此种做法就是“鸵鸟政策”,只会加剧挤兑潮,甚至会使民众对政府的信心受挫。Some people complained that this approach is the South Korean government's "ostrich policy" will only exacerbate run surge, and even make the public confidence in the government suffered a setback.