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我并没有隐匿于凡世间。I did not hide away from the world.

一千年以后的凡世,换了人间。World of millenarian the following every, changed the world.

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只要我细小的一部分还在凡世,我就不会把你藏起来。Let only that little be left of me wherebyI may never hide thee.

牛郎不厌天河阔,织女但求凡世欢。Tianhe not object to Cowboy wide, but Weaver for Huan Firestone.

我们生活在凡世,说的话,写的字都是这样的表面。We live in Firestone, say, the words are written in such a surface.

神圣的严酷的艺术之母,险些将她的孩子遗弃在凡世的土壤中。Holy mother of harsh art, almost to her children abandoned in earthly soil.

还有,不要用脑子看待凡世,要专心去看。Also no looking at world through your head. Look through your heart instead.

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还有,不要用脑子看待凡世,要用心去看。Also, no looking at world through your head. Look through your heart instead.

凡世的喧嚣和明亮,世俗的快乐和幸福。Firestone noise and bright, worldly pleasures and happiness as crystal-clear streams.

今天,凡世通已经是一个国际知名的品牌,是优质橡胶产品的象征。Today the Firestone brand is internationally known as a symbol of quality rubber products.

福特,凡世通争端已经结束的关系可以追溯到哈维和亨利福特。Can be traced Ford, Firestone dispute about the relationship back "to" Harvey and Henry Ford.

在接下来的几十年,凡世通扩展成为一家全球性的公司,开发了多元化的橡胶制品。In the next decades Firestone expanded to a worldwide organization developing diversified rubber products.

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最初,凡世本可以满足人类的欲望,但它却已变得陈旧而堕落。In the beginning the earth was perhaps made to fulfil the desire of man, but now it has got old and fallen into decay.

你的财富、名望和凡世的权力都将变得卑微,成为无关紧要的东西。你欠了世人什么,世人又欠了你什么,所有这一切都不再重要。Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance. It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.

天赋之外,只有内心的执着、虔诚和凡世的努力让我们的声音显得美丽和有力。Beside talent, only the inner dedication, piety and effort of the secular world might make our voices beautiful and strong.

凡世通的声音是第一个商业电台节目,同时进行调幅和调频的广播电台。The Voice of Firestone was the first commercial radio program to be carried simultaneously on both AM and FM radio stations.

你的财富、名望和凡世的权力都将变得卑微,成为无关紧要的东西。Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance 1. It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.

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他们制造轮胎模具,大概是为凡世通制造的。当模子被浇铸后,轮胎制造商要看看是否需要用吸盘对它进行缩进处理。After the molds had been cast, the tire manufacturer had had second thoughts and decided to indent his tires with suction cups.

1900年,哈维•S•凡世通先生在美国阿克伦州创立了凡士通轮胎橡胶公司,从此凡士通公司走便踏上了其成功之路。The Firestone success story started in 1900 when Mr. Harvey S. Firestone founded the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company in Akron, USA.

这瀑布随同山谷,地下河,森林,低悬的云烟成了一处逃离了凡世喧嚣的神奇净土。The waterfall, along with the valley, underground river, forests, low hanging clouds and mist creates a magical place to escape the rat race.