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你只是还不得要领啊。You just haven't got it right.

因此许多争执都是不得要领的。So many arguments are so pointless.

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他的解释不得要领。His explanation was not to the purpose.

你的评论不得要领。Your observation is beside the question.

遗憾的是,他们似乎不得要领。Unfortunately, they seem to be missing the point.

但我认为,这样的辩论在很大程度上不得要领。But I think that debate is largely beside the point.

先不说这位编辑的无礼和愚蠢,他是完全不得要领。Besides being vile and stupid, however, the editorial was beside the point.

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课本不怎么样,尽是不得要领的论说和一些老生常谈。It was a poor performance, full of inconclusive arguments and other commonplaces.

开车门,但都不得要领,因为他用错钥匙。All his attempts to unlock the car were futile, because he was using the wrong key.

善于选择要点就意味着节约时间,而不得要领的瞎忙,却等于乱放空炮。Good at choice points means to save time, and miss the point the Xiamang, is about gun.

答的好,但是对于美军驻扎朝鲜这一点不得要领。Nice answer though completely misses the point about U. S. troops stationed in North Korea.

⊙、善于选择要点就意味着节约时间,而不得要领的瞎忙,却等于乱放空炮。Good choice of means to save time, and not to the purpose of tinkering, is equal to your mess.

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不得要领或是散漫的会议占据了很大一部分的工作时间浪费。Pointless or rambling meetings account for a disproportionate share of workplace time leakage.

白日梦可以看成是心不在焉和不得要领,但它确实需要许多的脑力。Daydreaming may seem absentminded and pointless, but it actually demands a lot of the brain's processing power.

关于唐犯罪动机的争议和假设由于缺少实则性的资信而不得要领。Much of the debate and the supposition about his motives have been swirling in a vacuum of substantial information.

科学家一直在研究一项不依靠病人自我报告的、能精确测量出疼痛感的方法,却一直不得要领。Scientists have been searching for an accurate way to measure pain beyond a patient's self-report, but to no avail.

本文认为,克里普克关于个体本质的观点是基本合理的,一些学者对克里普克的本质观的批评是不得要领的。Kripke's idea on the essence of the individual is reasonable, and it is wrong for some scholars to criticize him for this point.

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不过得先礼后兵,先推行怀柔政策不得要领之后,就可以用这句话,让对方的狡辩无处藏身。You would usually only use this phrase after politely requesting that someone repay a debt to you and they try to weasel out of it.

从巴勒斯坦人的角度来看,为了证明人民的归属感而搜肠刮肚的去寻找寻找考古证据是不得要领的做法。From the Palestinian perspective, the scurrying for archaeological evidence to justify a people's sense of belonging misses the point.

陈响自以为是认亲派的一方教主,却仍然不得要领,和精通此术的高手相比,自己算什么呀?Chen Xiang sent a party leader each other be opinionated, but still miss the point, and mastering the operation compared to his master, what?