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它也许是种族合作的一大献礼。It is perhaps a fitting tribute to racial co-operation.

不啊。我想去看一些国庆献礼片呢。No. I would like to some greeting films for the national day.

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易洛魁接受你们的献礼,你刚刚拯救了你的人民。The Iroquois accept your tribute. You have saved your people.

那不勒斯一名厨师为史蒂夫·乔布斯献礼展现了他的苹果形状的披萨。A chef shows off his apple-shaped pizza tribute to Steve·Jobs in Naples.

小鹿美得就跟作为献礼送给诸神的莲花一样。He was as beautiful as a lotus blossom given as an offering to the gods.

哦,听,成龙在唱一首歌为我们建国60年献礼。Oh, listen, Jacky Chan is singing a song to celebrate our 60th National Day.

学生用花、草以及稻穗,做成给老师的献礼,表达诚挚的谢师之意。Students gave gifts made of flowers and rice in appreciation of their teachers.

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影片目前处在后期制作阶段,完成后为北外七十周年校庆献礼。The documentary is now in post production to be ready for BFSU's 70th birthday.

对戴安娜而言,这是对她的最佳献礼,超过了我能给她的一切。It is a more remarkable tribute to Diana than I can ever hope to offer her today.

借花献佛,以此向达尔文诞辰200周年献礼。We are publishing it as part of our tribute to Charles Darwin on his 200th birthday.

亨利大帝用帽子戏法献礼,博格坎普奉献了他为阿森纳的最后演出。Emperor Henry gave a gift of hat trick and Bergkamp made his last show for Arsenal here.

它是多部60周年国庆献礼片之一。It is one of a number of films being put together to celebrate 60 years of communist rule.

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为什么你不肯稍待片刻,让我在清晨采集鲜艳的花朵,作为最后献礼?But why did you not wait till I could gather, in the morning, new flowers for my final gift ?

纳尼亚传奇,黎明踏浪号之旅3D献礼,迈克尔精心执导。The Chronicles of Narnia, the Voyage of The Dawn Treader in digital 3D, directed by Michael Apted.

政府官员整年都在督促政府机构拿出项目为国庆献礼。All year, officials have been urging government agencies to drum up programs to mark the anniversary.

也作为中国传媒大学与各界领导、各位来宾向“三八”国际劳动妇女节的集体献礼。It is also a gift both from CUC and all the leaders and guesses here to the International Women's Day.

所以你在祭坛上献礼物的时候,若想起弟兄向你怀怨Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you

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圣斯特凡诺是对早期加州红酒业的创始者圣坎比亚哥斯特凡诺里博利的献礼。SANTO STEFANO is a tribute to Santo Cambianica and Stefano Riboli, tow pioneers of the early California wine industry.

其中富有特色的话“艺术出版商给英王和女王陛下的献礼”使塔克的明信片让人一眼便识别出来。The distinctive remark "ART PUBLISHERS TO THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN" made Tuck postcards easily recognizable.

一些观察家猜测,他试图通过向共和党人“献礼”来为气候变化法案的通过铺平道路。Some observers guessed that he was trying to smooth the way for a climate-change bill by offering Republicans a present.