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降落受电弓!Lower the pantograph!

起飞,降落。Takeoffs and landings.

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呼气,降落到八支。Exhale into Eight Limb Pose.

平安的起飞和降落。Safe take-offs and landings.

龙和虎已分别在华盛顿和耶鲁降落。The dragon has landed in D. C.

却从乌云密布的空中降落人间。Fall from these beclouded skies.

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飞机降落在地面上。The plane alights on the ground.

岩鸽降落在慢动作。Rock Pigeon landing in slow motion.

我们给飞机导航使它安全降落。We beamed the airplane down safely.

晚上8点飞机降落后,我赶往家里。I land at 8.00 pm and head back home.

飞机起飞和降落时最不舒服。Landings and take-offs are the worst.

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一只牛鹭降落在一只犀牛身上。A cattle egret alights on a rhinoceros.

他从巴黎飞过来了27分钟前降落了。And he landed on Paris, 27 minutes ago.

驾驶员突然死亡,乘客驾机安全降落。Passenger lands plane after pilot dies.

天使的羽毛降落在我的面前。The cherubic feather falls in my front.

你知道雨是如何从天空降落的吗?Do you know why rain falls from the sky?

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我希望刘洋能降落在我身上。I wish Liu Yang would have landed on me.

即使你错过了,你也会降落于群星之间。If you miss, you may hit a star. " — W."

只有网络分析会降落到你。Only Web-analytic will be landed to you.