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他的自行车用辘轳挂在床顶的天花板下。Over the bed, hoisted by a tackle to the ceiling, was his bicycle.

不知道打何时起,故乡那眼辘轳水井换成了“蜗杆”水井。Do not know to when, the home of eye wheel well into the " worm" wells.

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三四年后就改安辘轳,用大罐打水上楼。Three or four years later a pulley system was used to haul up water in big jars.

屋后的走廊里有一口又大又深的井,配有水桶、链条和辘轳。The well was in the back porch, broad and deep, with a bucket, chain, and windlass.

另外他们又用植物纤维编成一些绳子,在门上拴了一个辘轳,装置起一架类似起重机的工具。Other ropes were made with vegetable fibers, and a sort of crane with a tackle was fixed at the door.

白沟的南、北刘庄,辘轳把等村,几乎家家以此为业。Baigou the south and north Liuzhuang, windlass into the villages, almost every family in this as a career.

经陈腐后方可进行拉坯成型操作,宋代辘轳车拉坯由两人合作。After throwing stale before it can carry out forming operations, Song winch trucks throwing by two co-operation.

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心里想着,手中比划起来,一下子让辘轳打翻掉进水井里去了。Thinking in the heart, rise than delimiting in the hand, let winch overturn fall into at a draught went in well.

他揭开井盖儿,要往井里顺公用水桶的时候,停了一下,把额和胳膊靠在辘轳架上。After opening the well-cover to begin lowering the bucket he paused and leant with his forehead and arms against the framework.

空的饮料瓶被我改装成了辘轳和井,尽管做工粗糙,有糊弄之嫌,但儿子和他的小伙伴却玩的津津有味。The windlass and the well were made of an empty bottle by me. Though it looked rude, my son and his friend played very happily.

用吊车、手线或滑轮组及辘轳,将要装置或使用的设备、工具,及材料,升高、降低或放好位置。Raised, lowered, or positioned equipment, tools, and materials for installation or use using hoist, handline , or block and tackle.

就通风立眼的施工环境,选用简单的“双人绞辘轳吊桶法”施工。It will be safety , good in quality, and fast to extract vertical ventilating shafts by " dual men windlass bucket construction method".

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因版墨辘轳压在版上的力过重,在横过的纸面的印纹上造成的一条或多条线条。A heavy colour line or lines across rhe printed sheets occurred on rhe image areas, caused by the plate inkers set too hard against the plate.

茅草房、篱笆墙、乡问小路、豆棚瓜架、农田、辘轳、磨、耧等为人们营造出一个纯朴的乡村自然景观。Thatched cottages, fences, roads, rural ask Beans Canopy, farmland, windlass, melon stands mill, drill for people to create a simple rural landscape.

唱戏人走后,戏迷一边摇辘轳,一边想起方才可惜没做几个动作。After person of act in an opera goes, theater fun shakes at the same time winch, remember at the same time did not make a few motions regrettablly just now.

铜绿山古矿井采用分段提升的方法,利用辘轳等简单的机械,将井下50余米深处的矿石提出地面。The Tonglu Mountain Copper Mine used the sub-level lifting technology and simple well-pulley mechanical methods to convey the ore from depths of up to 50 meters.

类似升降机最早的出现应追溯到古代的中国及欧洲各国,当时都有以辘轳等工具垂直运送人和货物。Similar to lift the earliest emergence can be traced back to ancient China and European countries, then have to tackle tools such as vertical transporting people and goods.

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给他俩讲“井”和“辘轳”曾经在人们的生活有多么重要的地位费了好半天口舌,不过想让他们懂得担水生活的艰辛那就更难了。I tried to tell them the importance of the windlass and the well in the past, but it is difficult for the children to understand the hardships of the life several decades ago.