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本文提出了一种新型的“数字火罐”设想。This paper introduces a new-style idea of "Digital Cupping".

我给您取针后,还给您拔几个火罐。Id like to give you a cupping treatment when the needles are removed.

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火罐,特别是磁疗火罐,由火罐和磁疗器组成。The magnetotherapeutic cupping jar comprises cupping jar and magnetotherapeutic appliance.

目的观察电针加火罐治疗面神经麻痹的效果。Objective It is to observe the effect of electric acupuncture and cupping jar on facial paralysis.

目的推拿配合火罐对治疗肩周炎的疗效。Objective To explore the curative effect of periarthritis of shoulder with the massage and cupping.

即便是今天我都痛恨换灯泡这件事,因为那些灯泡和火罐子的样子实在太像了。Even today I loathe to replace a burned-out light bulb because a banka so resembles a hollowed-out version of the same.

一时间,人们对于“火罐”疗法的兴趣激增。大家都在好奇这是否真的有效以及它是如何起作用的。All of a sudden, interest in cupping therapy has spiked. People are wondering whether it actually works and how it works.

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应用微型、低功耗的单片机MSP430实现了火罐疗法的负压和治疗时间的精确控制。A low-power-consumption MSP430 micro-controller is applied, and the suction pressure and treatment time of cupping are controlled accurately.

渗铝工艺在工业上已得到广泛应用,如用于汽车排气管、公路护栏等耐蚀件,换热器、燃烧器、吹氧管、退火罐等耐热件。Therefore, aluminizing process is extensively used in the industry, such as discharge pipe of automobile, safeguards of road, heat exchanger, and so on.

结论梅花针加火罐联合青霉素是用于丹毒治疗和预防复发的首选方法。Conclusion The combination of penicillin and percussopunctator plus cupping jar is effective for the treatment of erysipelas and prevention of recurrence.

服务内容包括足疗、推拿、按摩、拨火罐、刮痧、修脚、采耳等。The item includes Foot Massage, Body Massage, Cupping, Treatment for sunstroke by scraping the patient's neck, chest or back, Pedicure, Ear Treatment etc.

结论梅花针加火罐联合青霉素是下肢丹毒治疗和预防复发的有效方法。Conclusion The combination of penicillin and percussopunctator plus cupping jar is effective for the treatment of erysipelas on Lower legs and prevention of recurrence.

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可以作为气罐、火罐、水罐、药罐使用,是医疗人员、旅行者的良好保健治疗器具。The adjustable suction pot can be used as an air pot, a cupping and a medicinal pot to use, and is a favorable health care therapeutic device for medical personnel and travelers.

结论综合推拿手法配合火罐疗法治疗颈椎后关节紊乱操作简便,疗效显著。Conclusion The combination of massage and cupping therapy in the treatment of cervical vertebrae posterior articular disturbance is simple and easy, and has an obvious e effective.

目的探讨综合推拿手法配合火罐疗法治疗颈椎后关节紊乱的临床疗效和作用机理。Objective To discuss clinical curative effect of combination of massage and cupping therapy in the treatment of cervical vertebrae posterior articular disturbance and the mechanism.

是一种集火罐疗法,外部给药疗法、热疗法等多种疗法于一体的多功能简便治疗罐。The utility model is a multifunctional simple therapeutic jar and collects a plurality of therapy methods to a whole, such as cupping therapy, external medication, thermotherapy, etc.

方法60例颈椎后关节紊乱患者采用综合推拿手法配合火罐疗法进行治疗,观察治疗效果。Methods Combination of massage and cupping therapy were performed in the treatment of 60 cases of cervical vertebrae posterior articular disturbance and the curative effect was investigated.

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主要生产粉末冶金制品、还原铁粉、耐火罐、金属锶、粘土质和高铝质耐火砖、轻质耐火砖、不定型耐火材料。Our main products are reduced iron powder products, reduced iron powder, fire clay pot , Metal Sr, fire clay bricks, high-alumina bricks, acid-proof bricks, other unshaped refractory materials.

又称“豹之刺”。即在患处局部或红肿部位的周围刺数针,然后用手轻轻挤压或用火罐吸拔,使恶血出尽,消肿止痛。Prick a number of spots at the affected location, or around a small place of a red swelling, then press the skin or apply cupping to let the stagnated blood escape to alleviate swelling and pain.