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三峡水库蓄水后。After the Three Gorges Reservoir.

缺雨使水库水位降低。Lack of rain sank the reservoirs.

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他们在水库养鱼。They breed fish in the reservoir.

水库正在施工。The reservoir is under construction.

水库被水填满。The reservoir was filling with water.

水库不久就能完工。The reservoir will soon be completed.

这个水库能蓄多少水?How much water can this reservoir hold?

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男侦察员们步行去了水库。The boy scouts hiked out to the reservoir.

我们计划在这里修一座水库。We are planning to build a reservoir here.

此外我们还修了两座小水库。In addition, we built two small reservoirs.

下坂地水库参数的优选。The select of Xiabanxi reservoir parameter.

其次,它在花园城市去水库。Next,it goes into reservoirs in Garden City.

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密云水库的水很干净没有受污染。The water in Miyun is clean and not polluted.

这个水库南北足有5公里。This reservoir extends a good five kilometres.

发现于河,沼泽,水库与管了。Found in rivers, swamps, reservoirs and canals.

初步建立、开发金盆水库预报调度系统。The forecast and operation system is exploited.

从水库中有节制地放水。The controlled release of water from reservoirs.

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如果下大雨,水库里的水就会溢出来。If it rains heavily, the reservoir will overflow.

八月的暴雨又使水库积满了水。The big storms in August refilled the reservoirs.

三峡水库蓄水量只能维持15天用水。Three Gorges Dam discharge may only last 15 days.