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倒啤酒时会起泡沫。Beer froths when it is poured out.

他正在喝起泡沫的酒。He was drinking the sparkling wine.

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这肥皂起泡沫又多又快。This soap lathers well and quickly.

肥皂在那桶水中起泡沫。The soap foamed in the bucket of water.

长途跋涉中她的脚起泡了。Her feet blistered during the long hike.

翻腾的混合物不断起泡沫。The agitated mixture foamed and bubbled.

姜汁汽水起泡沫满到桌上。The ginger ale foamed over onto the table.

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我的新鞋把我的脚跟磨起泡了。My new shoes have made blisters on my heels.

啤酒冒起泡沫,溢出了玻璃杯。The beer foamed up and overflowed the glass.

如果你把啤酒倒得太快,它会起泡的。The beer will spume if you pour it too fast.

啤酒冒起泡沫,溢出了玻璃杯。The beer frothed up and overflowed the glass.

他的手指因碰到热烫斗而起泡。Touching the hot iron made his finger blister.

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这个没有化学成分,却很容易起泡。This has no chemicals, and yet it lathers easily.

打开开关直至充分起泡。Switch the shaver on till the soap lathers nicely.

气泡因它的起泡而迷人。Bubbles are engaging because of their effervescence.

在软水条件下较低的起泡性。Designed to be low foaming in soft water conditions.

牙龈起泡是手足口病的症状吗?Is gum the symptom of brothers mouth disease frothily?

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用面膜扫搅起泡沫,涂在毛孔阻塞的地方5-10分钟,然后�去。Apply on the clogged areas for 5-10 minutes with steams.

起泡是癌细胞形成中非常关键的一步。Blebbing is important in a variety of cellular processes.

化学反应不会发生在起泡的试管里。Chemical reaction do not take place in fizzing test tube.