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第三幕第二景Act , scene 2

现在这里又第二个关键词?How do I use it?

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菲克第二定律。Fick"s second law."

所以我设定在第二档。So I set mine to 2.

第二天天一亮。Next day after dawn.

第二条鱼说。The second one said.

但是我仍然排在第二位。But I am still No. 2.

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第二个路口向向左转。Take the second left.

第二条,是甲还是乙呢For two, is it A or B?

在第二个路口往右边。It's the second right.

第二条,不能喝粥。Rule two, no porridge.

第二层就是私下刻板印象。Then there is private.

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那是我的第二次生命。It was my second birth.

第二次下马时更糟。Next time it was worse.

第二种是铝。Number two is aluminum.

你不过是第二个!And you only the second.

还有第二类问题Here's the second class.

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学习一门第二语言。Learn a second language.

旺角中心第二期。Mong Kok Centre phase Ⅱ.

第二步,加入氯气。Next, chlorine is added.